
Report of joint development of China shopping centers and chain brands 2012

By the end of 2011, there were 2,812 shopping centers in the mainland China, with 177 million square meters of total commercial gross floor area. It is expected that in 2012 and 2013, the new commercial gross floor area of Chinese shopping centers will exceed 35 million square meters and 44 million square meters respectively; by late 2013, the total floor area of Chinese shopping centers will reach 250 million square meters. In the mainland China, the development of shopping centers has blossomed with rapid industry growth, and has modulated the model in the complex market.

Deloitte and China Chain Store & Franchise Association jointly launched the "Report of Joint Development of China Shopping Centers and Chain Brands 2012". This report was written upon the findings of our industry research, in-depth interviews, and quantitative interviews collecting about 200 questionnaires from shopping center operators, retailers and customers. The report includes analyses on the developments and myths of China's shopping centers, and their success factors. We hope that this study can bring inspirations to the market players.

This report is:

  1. the first study featuring the joint development of shopping centers and chain brands in the market, it not only analyses the current development and trends of shopping centers in China commercial real estate industry, but also reflects the needs and picks of chain brands. It provides valuable information to the new shopping centers on positioning and development.
  2. the first survey identifying the needs and expectations of shopping centers, tenants and chain brands. We received 156 completed questionnaires, covering the business establishments of catering, entertainment & leisure, sport & beauty, education and retail brands (including apparels, cosmetics, jewelry, electronic products, books and videos etc).
(English version)
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