
2018 Deloitte Tax Championship FAQ


Q: For 2018 Deloitte Tax Championship, should senior students with postgraduate recommendation register as undergraduates or postgraduates?

A: According to the rules of Deloitte Tax Championship, all the participants must be full-time students at the time of registration and over the entire period of competition. Senior students with postgraduate recommendation shall register as undergraduates but occupy the quota of postgraduates. It is because they are still undergraduates when they register for Phase I Regional Competition in June, but qualify as postgraduates during Phase II National Competition in November. 

Q: Are postgraduates about to enrol in September qualified for the 2018 Championship?

A: Deloitte Tax Championship is open to invited universities only, and all the participants must be full-time students at the time of registration and over the entire period of competition. Only senior students from invited universities who are going to enrol as postgraduates in September are qualified for the 2018 Championship.

Q: Can students who participated in Phase I National Tax Law Knowledge Contest of 2017 Championship enrol for 2018 Championship?

A: To be fair, it is the rule of Deloitte Tax Championship that students who previously participated in the Championship cannot attend it any more. However, as Phase I National Tax Law Knowledge Contest of 2017 Championship is actually a separate contest organized by CCTAA, students who only participated in the Phase I without entrance to Phase II contest of 2017 Championship can enrol for the 2018 Championship.

Competition contents

Q: Will the questions for Phase I Regional Competition provided by Deloitte?

A: Deloitte will decide all the questions used in Phase I Regional Competition.

Q: What is the format of questions for Phase I Regional Competition?

A: The format of questions for Phase I Regional Competition is multi-choice questions.

Q: What is the language of 2018 Championship?

A: The main language of 2018 Championship is Chinese, but some questions will be prepared in English to test the participants' English capacity.

Q: Is there any specific period of time for the tax related policies and regulations involved in the 2018 Championship?

A: All effective tax related policies and regulations are within our championship examination range.

Competition rules

Q: What is the schedule of Phase I Regional Competition?

A: The Phase I Regional Competition will be held on Aug 26. Participating students shall log on the competition platform during a specified time-slot (15 minutes), and finish the online competition within 100 minutes. A detailed guideline in regard to the Phase I Regional Competition will be sent to students after they successfully register for the competition.

Q: When will Deloitte announce the registration website for Phase I Regional Competition?

A: Deloitte will send email with link of the registration website for phase I Regional Competition to the coordinator teachers of invited universities around mid-May. The coordinator teacher of each invited university will then organize the nominated students to register online.

Q: How to ensure the authenticity and fairness of Phase I Regional Competition, which is an online competition?

A: Ensuring the authenticity of a competition is all about integrity, which is one of the four core values of Deloitte. With the development of information and technology of internet, online competitions are becoming increasingly popular. Competing in an open environment tests not only knowledge, but also self-discipline and integrity. We believe in that all students will compete with integrity. However, to create a more fair and impartial competition environment, we request all participating students of Phase I regional online competition use computers with camera.

Q: How to rank teams if their total scores in Phase I Regional Competition are the same?

A: In case of tie score, the team with shorter question-answering time ranks ahead.

Q: Will Deloitte announce the competition result of Phase I Regional Competition?

A: Deloitte will send email to the coordinator teachers to announce competition results of respective university within one week after the end of Phase I Regional Competition.


Q: Are Deloitte recruitment incentives applicable to all the participants of Deloitte Tax Championship?

A: All participants of Deloitte Tax Championship, and the outstanding individuals in Phase I Regional Competition will be awarded Deloitte recruitment incentives. Different award winners are eligible for different incentives.

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