Press releases

Most Project – Second Newsletter

This is the second release of the MOST Newsletter, a running project funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme. MOST has made good progress during 2020 and in spite of the pandemic crisis it continues to deliver high quality training content and laboratory material for the benefit of the Smart Grids community.

The work on MOST has been progressing intensively over the past couple of months, leading to the development of the content of the Smart Grid courses and the launch of a Moodle platform.

The course content and structure have been entirely developed. The content of each course takes the form of ready-made presentation and video recordings of the lectures. Up to today, 34 courses have already been uploaded in the system and these can be accessed freely.

The Moodle platform is being offered in Italian and English where the students can find information about the project itself, the content of the courses, upcoming events and latest announcements. There is also a discussion forum where the potential students can ask questions and exchange messages. All the prepared courses with presentations and study material are being continuously uploaded on the platform. The development of this platform has been an important step towards the launch of the pilot version of the MOST Master course which will be offered to the students in 2021. The platform offers information about the program as well as all the courses themselves that have been finalised. 

All preparation efforts of the MOST project are now concentrated towards the launch of the pilot version of the MOST Master course which will be offered to the students in 2021. In the meantime, the project consortium is busy with making the Moodle platform as student friendly and attractive as possible and tailoring the master to the age of digital learning which is even more necessary now due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

Stay tuned for more videos, articles and photos related to the MOST project.

For more information, you may visit the MOST website, follow WIP Renewable energies on LinkedIn, the partner responsible for the Communication of the project or track the project’s hashtag on Twitter.

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