
Key sustainability services

Supporting your ESG journey

Our comprehensive advisory services help clients achieve sustainability by understanding their current ESG status on: 
  • corporate governance 
  • sustainability reporting 
  • regulatory compliance 
  • operational changes 
  • strategic planning and target setting.

Our experts provide cross-functional services connecting legal, audit, tax, financial, market and tech advisory services to assist in the transition towards sustainable, long-term growth.


ESG Workshop

We conduct an educational and inspirational session on the field of ESG, focusing on new regulatory requirements and best practices.

Environmental Regulations

We assist you with compliance in the complex world of environmental regulations by assessing relevant legislative changes, engaging stakeholders, preparing impact assessments, and drafting change proposals.

Stakeholder Engagement & Dialogue

We facilitate a stakeholder dialogue session according to the AA1000SES standard or GRI 2016 principles of stakeholder inclusion.

ESG Data Management

We help you identify the relevant KPIs and data points, set up the governance teams and structure to produce, standardise and deliver in a suitable way to produce the GAP analysis, design the strategies and make an effective communication to your stakeholders.

Sustainability Strategies Development

We help you formulate and communicate a robust sustainability strategy that aligns with your long-term vision by reviewing your business model, strategy, and objectives and then setting KPIs, governance, and processes accordingly to boost your competitive advantage.

Green Bonds

We support companies and banks in the issuance of bonds according to the Green Bond Principles, EU Green Bond Standards, EU taxonomy for Sustainable Finance and other relevant guidelines.

Sustainable Finance & Responsible Investment

We help you integrate ESG factors into your financing strategy and tailor your investment strategy to manage portfolios according to responsible investment criteria.


We calculate your Scope 1,2,3 GHG Protocol emissions and help you find a clear decarbonization pathway with defined targets and initiatives as a starting point for further strategic decisions.

Sustainable EU Grants & Funding

We analyse the suitable grant support available for your activity or sector and help you prepare for grant applications so that you can overcome any red tape. Thereafter, we assist you in tender procedures, the administration of funds, and any relevant reporting and communication.

Energy Efficiency

We help you improve your cost structures through decreased consumption (ex. water and electricity) by defining and executing action plans for efficient distribution and consumption.

Supply Chain

We help you apply sustainable inputs that comply with relevant regulations, improve performance and extend cash flow through in-depth lifecycle analyses of your products and assets, all with regards to your value chain.

Value Chain

WWe help you implement sustainable practices that comply with relevant regulations, improve your performance and extend your cash flow. We accomplish this through the life cycle analysis of your products and assets within your value chain.

Measurement and Reporting of Economic & Social Impact

We measure the total direct, indirect, and induced impact of your business activities. The report provides a powerful demonstration of value added, employment, and income generated in the national economy.

ESG Rating Agencies Analysis & Management

We prepare you for an upcoming ESG rating, analyse the rating that you were given by an ESG rating agency and help you improve your performance by analysing the methodologies of ESG rating agencies, and identifying ways to improve your score, and help you prioritize the most significant gaps.

Reputation Management

We help you identify opportunities to build the company's reputation, customer trust, and loyalty as well as prevent crisis situations and make plans for effective crisis management should the need arise.

Sustainability Reporting (NON-FINANCIAL/ESG REPORTING)

We lead you through the non-financial reporting process according to the 3 reporting methods: GRI (most widely used for non-financial reporting), EU Directive, and Integrated Reporting.

Assurance on Non-Financial Reporting

We provide limited assurance following the GRI Guidelines, International Integrated Reporting Council guidelines, ISAE 3000, and 2014/05/EU Directive requirements.

You can contact us via the email address