
Mergers and acquisitions services

Our transaction advisory team helps clients address important business matters, including strategic decision-making related to acquisitions, sales and reorganisations of companies as well as their valuation, tax and legal structuring and pre-investment due diligence. As part of the transactions we offer clients comprehensive financial, business, legal and tax advisory services. Our clients include multinational, local and family companies and their owners, private investors, private equity funds, bankruptcy trustees, financial institutions and state administration.

We provide our clients with extensive experience gathered in both domestic and international environments, a wide range of specialised skills and deep knowledge of all economic sectors. Deloitte’s Prague office has an experienced team of more than sixty financial, tax, legal and commercial experts on transaction advisory with extensive know-how and knowledge in the field of mergers, acquisitions and corporate finance in the Czech Republic and abroad. We work closely with Deloitte offices in more than 150 countries. Individual services combined with a wide market presence and the possibility of using the know-how of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu member firms allow us to respond to the demanding and diverse needs of our business partners.

Selected references:

VANTAGE TOWERS/VODAFONE Advisory on the carve-out of the telecommunications infrastructure into Vantage Towers from Vodafone Czech Republic and the preparation of Vantage Towers for an IPO.

EU / Czech Republic – 2019 – 2020
VODAFONE CZECH REPUBLIC Post-acquisition integration of UPC and Vodafone Czech Republic. Preparing for Day 1 and creation of the target integration model.

Czech Republic, 2019
ZENTIVA Carve-out of the Zentiva Group from the SANOFI Group structures.

Czech Republic, 2018
Vinařský Fond (Wine Grower’s Fund) Preparation of an export strategy for the Wine Grower’s Fund in the Czech Republic.

Czech Republic, June 2021

Contact us

Ivana Lorencovičová

Ivana Lorencovičová

Cluster Leader CZ & SK

Ivana Lorencovičová is the Managing Partner of Deloitte Czech & Slovak Republic. She is also the WorldImpact Leader for Deloitte Central Europe promoting initiatives focused on creating a more sustain... More