Software Asset Management
Software asset management (SAM) is a collection of practices for optimal software utilization, ensuring license compliance and cost reduction. SAM covers the whole SW lifecycle from planning to withdrawal.
SAM program brings value through mitigating risks and applying solid processes in compliance with SW vendors’ terms. SAM defends the organization against financial, legal, and reputation risks during a software audit. Effective SAM brings a better overview of your entitlement, SW spent, and the environment.
Deloitte Software Asset Management Services
Overview of processes and environment
License compliance and optimization
SAM Technology
SAM Managed Services
How can we help you?
As the industry leader in SAM Managed Services (Gartner Magic Quadrant 2020 and 2021) and SAM consulting, Deloitte brings the skills, experiences with license optimization technologies, and our proprietary tools to the table to help your organization realize software optimization, cost savings, and improve operational efficiency.
We achieve these goals through our services that help you address three types of tasks: operational, ad hoc, and transformative. Our engagements can either be comprehensive managed services, a hybrid model, where we supplement your existing team that is already operating in certain terrains or short-term consultations about topics that concern you the most.