
Insight-Driven Organisation (IDO) Survey 

Benchmarking developments in analytics capabilities - 2023 is the first year, where Czech organisations can participate in the Insight-Driven Organisation Survey. What exactly is it about? 

The digitalisation of business and government is continuing at a rapid pace and organisations need to become more digitally mature over time to remain effective and competitive in the commercial world. Our global insight-driven organisation survey delves into understanding how much progress has been made, and how the challenges are being met.

The building blocks of IDO – not just about technology

We call our respondents Insight Driven Organisations, or IDOs, which we define as those that have succeeded in embedding analytical capabilities and a data culture in their decision-making processes. The individuals providing the survey responses are all involved in data and analytics within their organisation.


We have used responses from the survey to produce a report that covers two key themes:

  •  Strategy, people and process. This looks at the investment priorities for organisations over the next 12 months to enhance their data, analytics and AI capabilities, and barriers to progress that they aim to overcome. It also provides some analysis of the skills shortages in various specialised activities, which are a major barrier to progress for many organisations. We also look at where resources for analytics are located within organisations, and who is accountable for their use. 
  • Data, tech and AI. This looks at the quality and completeness of the data used by organisations, the problems they face in maintaining or improving it, and the technology from vendors that they are using for this task. We also look at the extent to which AI is being adopted, and the barriers that organisations face to its adoption.

Czech companies can also participate!

2023 is the first year, where Czech organisations can participate in the Insight-Driven Organisation Survey. 

Over time we expect the most successful organisations will be those that adopt advanced analytics, including artificial intelligence, to enhance their insights for decision-making. The data from our survey can be used by organisations to benchmark their progress, and consider whether they are ahead of others, gaining competitive advantage, or whether they may be trailing behind.

The future of data, analytics and artificial intelligence

At Deloitte, we have been tracking the measures that organisations have been taking to develop their data, analytics and AI capabilities, and have carried out annual surveys since 2017. In 2022, we have conducted a survey with participating 263 client organisations from around the world, ranging in size (37% small, 21% medium-size and 42% large) and spread across business sectors, to establish how far they have reached in their journey, and what may be barriers to progress that they are facing. 

You can find the 2022 summarised report with the main findings from the survey here. If you would like to dive deeper into the responses we received or would like to participate in the 2023 IDO survey, we would be delighted to discuss further with you.

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