
Deloitte and Google Cloud alliance

Fulfil your future of possible

What’s your possible? It’s as big and bold as you want to make it. Coupled with the unparalleled power, flexibility, and security of Google Cloud, Deloitte can help you search for dynamic new opportunities, quickly navigate challenges, align your goals with real results, and provide industry-specific solutions and experiences to unlock competitive advantage.

Our alliance

As a premier partner of Google Cloud and the Services Partner of the Year for four consecutive years, Deloitte helps you realise your possible fast—and at scale—no matter where you are on your transformation journey. That means extended presence at the drop of a hat, agile capacity that can anticipate and react to business change quickly, and a future-proof legacy just waiting to be fulfilled.

Deloitte and Google Cloud solutions

Deloitte’s industry, technology, and transformational capabilities, combined with Google Cloud Platform’s innovation platform, help organisations reinvent themselves through machine learning, artificial intelligence, analytics, automation, and much more...

  • Build, create, migrate

Architecture, DevOps and engineering services to support migration to Cloud or build of new cloud-native services, unlocking the intelligence and innovation of GCP for our clients.

  • SAP on Google Cloud

Through our alliance with SAP, we help clients to capture the transformative potential of Google’s secure, intelligent, flexible and certified platform for SAP.

  • Cloud analytics

Helping clients accelerate time to insights with GCP realising the benefits of server-less and integrated analytics services, surpassing conventional limitations on scale, performance, and cost efficiency.

  • Artificial intelligence/Machine learning

Combining Deloitte’s analytics, IoT, and cognitive computing practices with Google’s managed, scalable machine learning engine to provide clients with advanced automation and machine learning capabilities.

  • Security

Google Cloud’s infrastructure is designed, built and operated with a rigorous attention to security. Deloitte has spent decades helping clients protect their businesses from security threats. Together, we can help you move securely to the cloud.

Deloitte Announces Strategic Alliance Expansion to Help Solve Industry Challenges With Google Cloud Generative AI

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Google Cloud Day Czech Republic 2023


Deloitte has been recognised as Google Cloud’s Services Partner of the Year for four consecutive years—a testament of our ability to provide exceptional service and help customers succeed by innovating, building and delivering the right Google Cloud solutions.
We have also been named Google Cloud's inaugural 2020 Public Sector Partner of the Year for our contributions to public sector clients.

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Alex Tomášek

Alex Tomášek


Alex is a Director in the Consulting function and Leader of the Cloud & System engineering services at Deloitte Czech Republic.  He has spent most of his professional life successfully innovating and ... More