Posted: 05 Jan. 2018 5 min min. read

IoT Solutions World Congress 2017

IoT Focus Team represents the IoT capacity of Deloitte Germany - Dr. Konstantin Dörr & Tobias Pascal Hess

With more than 13.000 visitors this year, the third edition of the Internet of Things Solutions World Congress (IoTSWC) in Barcelona is the world’s leading Industry IoT congress today. The IoT Germany Focus Team was able to raise the awareness of Deloitte Germany’s IoT capacity as well as to strengthen its international IoT ecosystem. 

At IoTSWC 2017, over 250 of the most innovative and influential IoT thinkers presented their insights on how IoT is affecting industries, such as Automotive, Energy & Resources, Public Transportation, Travel, Hospitality & Services or Life Sciences & Health Care.

Deloitte was once again a Diamond Sponsor of IoTSWC 2017 and showed a significant presence at the event. Deloitte Research Director, Mark Cotteleer led several keynote roundtables, e.g. “Industry 4.0 and the Future of Work,”, and “How Policy & Regulation Can Support the Advancement of IoT,” with our US Lead for Public Sector IoT, Rana Sen, on the panel. Other speakers at IoTSWC included such well-known personalities as the head of integration of NASA’s Orion Mission Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle or the founder of the Bitcoin Foundation, Jon Matonis.

In total, the IoT Capabilites of more than ten Deloitte member firms presented their insights within several interactive IoT Live Demos at an innovative rooftop exhibition booth and along many of our IoT Dax-30 partners on B2B- und B2C-IoT solutions.

Especially with the presentation of a Predictive Maintenance Demo, the German IoT Focus Team was able to underline the rapid development and economic importance of IoT within Manufacturing. In detail, the demo highlighted the interplay between data collection, data analysis as well as transfer and integration of ServiceNow as management tool.

Therefore, the top-level event offered the excellent opportunity to engage, network and highlight Deloitte Germany´s IoT expertise as a part of the World’s leading IoT experts.

Consequently, it is not surprising that we will be back in 2018. The congress will take place on October 16-18 in Barcelona with Google and Amazon as first confirmed sponsors.

Visit our IoT blog collection to learn more perspectives on the internet of things.

Your Contacts

Andreas Staffen

Andreas Staffen

Partner | Technology Strategy & Transformation

Andreas Staffen verantwortet das Offering IoT and IT Architecture (Smart Manufacturing) für Deutschland und gestaltet die Digitalisierung der Supply Chain seit 2004. Dabei begleitet er deutsche, europäische und globale Unternehmen bei der erfolgreichen Umsetzung schlanker und integrierter IT Architekturen für die Entwicklung und Produktion. Durch die Umsetzung des Industrie 4.0 Gedanken in der Deloitte Digital Factory werden die Auswirkungen auf die Geschäftsmodelle unserer Kunden erlebbar und die weitere Gestaltung einfacher realisierbar.

Florian Ploner

Florian Ploner

German Consulting Lead Global Delivery Network

Florian Ploner ist Consulting Partner in der Practice Technology Strategy & Transformation. Er verfügt über mehr als 20 Jahre Beratungserfahrung mit einem starken Fokus auf der verarbeitenden Industrie und hilft seinen Kunden in Europa, Amerika und Asien bei globalen Transformationsprogrammen – stets unter Berücksichtigung neuerster Technologien. Zudem ist er ein ausgewiesener Experte auf den Themengebieten Global Delivery, Industrie 4.0, Smart Factory und Go2Market. Florian leitet einen strategischen, globalen Technology Kunden und das Global Delivery Network in Deutschland.