
Japanese Business Tax Team Germany

Partnering with Japanese Groups in Germany

As Japanese Business Tax Team Germany we are striving to provide Japanese Groups a one-stop service for all matters related to German tax including those tax matters interacting with other Deloitte services such as consulting, legal, financial advisory, risk advisory or audit & assurance. We are delighted to present to you outlines on selected topics in our knowledge hub.

Spotlight Monthly German tax news update

Follow below links to access recent news on Japanese and German tax matters:

Legal on Air – Episode 4: Japan Desk

When it comes to cross-border transactions between two countries, Japan holds a special place. The culture and business etiquette harbors a number of dos and don'ts to consider when doing business in Japan. In this episode, our Deloitte Legal Corporate/M&A experts Andreas Jentgens (Frankfurt) Kaori Oka and Ryota Sekine (Tokyo) talk about these country-specific features, challenges and opportunities.

Spotlight Workshops – Tax & Legal

Master challenges by knowledge - In a constantly changing economic environment we strive to support you in dealing with and mastering challenges.

As one of our Japanese Services Group initiatives, we are offering you interactive sessions in English, German or Japanese language in the form of a workshop that will allow flexible and effective interaction between you and Deloitte. These workshops will be tailored to suit your individual wishes and needs.

Download our flyer of our Spotlight Workshop here or contact us at

Flyer Spotlight Workshops – Tax & Legal

Spotlight brochures from the Japanese Business Tax Team Germany

12 Brochures to advance Knowledge on German Tax Matters

Prior released Spotlights can be downloaded below; for new
editions on key topics in German Tax Matters stay tuned.

Deloitte’s integrated service offerings – Japanese Business Tax Team Germany

Japanese companies operating in overseas markets face various challenges. Achieving success means managing communications effectively across diverse cultures, languages and geographic boundaries. 

Our mission is to support operations and meet Japanese companies’ needs by offering our experience and knowledge cross-functional in many areas such as Audit & Assurance, Consulting, Financial Advisory, Risk Advisory and Tax & Legal.

With a global perspective and our world-wide network, the Japanese Business Tax Team Germany addresses these important issues based on years of experience with a foundation of our service to Japanese multinationals and extensive knowledge about client service, together with a careful consideration for Japanese culture and customs. 

This expertise, enhanced by numerous team members within the Japanese Business Tax Team Germany who speak Japanese fluently, makes us well prepared to meet the various needs of Japanese businesses not only as tax advisor but also as a cross-functional business advisor. The global ties under the umbrella of the world-wide Deloitte organization allow the Japanese Business Tax Team Germany to offer a truly global service to Japanese businesses.

We are part of the global integrated Japanese Services Group network which was founded 45 years ago with the aim of delivering services and meeting the needs of Japanese multinationals across the globe. To learn more about the Japanese Services Group please click here.

Contact us

We are looking forward to your call or email to discuss opportunities and requirements in more detail tailored to your needs and your expectations!

Your Japanese Business Tax Team Germany -