
Direct Lending increases significantly

Latest developments

Traditional bank loans become less central in the financing mix of the real economy. Its portion of total debt financing of corporates has been declining for quite some time now. This trend has accelerated considerably in the last few years and will most probably continue to do so. Some of the reasons for this trend are the side effects of tightened banking regulation, the intended effects of initiatives like the Capital Markets Union (aiming at, among other things, fostering financings outside the classic bank loan) and innovative forms of financing: one being Credit Treasury, the other Direct Lending

With respect to Direct Lending, the Deloitte Debt Advisory team is constantly monitoring and analysing the markets and regularly publishes the Alternative Lender Deal Tracker. Download the latest version with interesting figures, insights and backgrounds together with some really surprising facts.

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Philipp von Websky
+49 211 8772 3867