Philipp Websky
Director | Credit & Securistisation Advisory
Philipp von Websky (trained lawyer, Credit & Securitisation Advisory) is a Director and has been with Deloitte since 2001. In the Service Line Credit & Securitisation Advisory. He is responsible for assurance & advisory projects pertaining to the loan business and loan/credit transactions (credit treasury, securitisation, asset based finance). He particularly focusses on regulatory credit-compliance topics and market or financial-stability motivated credit transactions, including rescue solutions. Additionally he concentrates on digitisation in the area of credit (transactions), blockchain in particular.
Verwandte Inhalte
New draft guidelines on loan origination and monitoring
On 19 June 2019, the EBA published a consultation paper for new draft guidelines on loan origination and monitoring in response to the EU Council’s action plan published in July 2017.
Gemeinsamer Vertreter
Seit Einführung des neuen Schuldverschreibungsgesetzes im Jahr 2009 („SchVG 2009“) können Anleihegläubiger sich durch einen gemeinsamen Vertreter gegenüber dem Emittenten einer Schuldverschreibung vertreten lassen und verbindliche Mehrheitsentscheidungen treffen.