Legal talent videos


Das Deloitte Legal Storybook

Deloitte Legal bedeutet mehr als 2.500 kluge, innovative, inspirierende und sehr nette Kolleginnen und Kollegen aus über 75 Ländern weltweit. Hier haben Sie die Gelegenheit, einige von ihnen kennenzulernen und zu erfahren, warum sie ihren Job bei Deloitte Legal lieben.

Life at Deloitte Legal. Klaus Gresbrand's story.

There’s a revolution going on in law, says Klaus, and Deloitte Legal is the place to be. The changing environment generates a growing demand for non-traditional legal service providers. Working with Deloitte tax, financial advisory, consulting, and technology people to provide legal services is business as usual for Klaus. That and the prestigious clients, honest people, great projects, and opportunities to grow are why Klaus is building his career here.

Life at Deloitte Legal. Tim Baart's story

The legal practice of the future; that, says Tim, is Deloitte Legal. International coverage, advanced technologies, teaming legal and business professionals, and respect are the key elements of Deloitte Legal. As a Corporate M&A lawyer at Laga in Belgium, Tim tackles serves high-profile clients. As a Talent & Learning Leader, he helps build excellent lawyers, bringing together professionals from different countries at Deloitte University to build skills and connections for life.

Life at Deloitte Legal. Patricia Hierro's story

The opportunity to grow is what brought Patricia to Deloitte Legal in Spain. Manager of the Litigation Department for the Bilbao practice, she has been helping prestigious clients with complicated issues and strengthening her skills since she came on board. Teamwork and cross-business collaborations are cornerstones of Deloitte Legal’s client service approach—and innovation and entrepreneurship are highly valued. Looking to jumpstart your legal career? Patricia’s advice is submit your CV.

Leading the way in legal services

Moderne multinationale Organisationen benötigen Rechtsanwälte, die sie im Tagesgeschäft ebenso gut unterstützen können wie in anspruchsvollen Sonderprojekten - und das in einer Vielzahl von Jurisdiktionen. Mehr...


Leave an impression that defines you.

Erleben Sie die Vielfalt eines international aufgestellten Unternehmens, nutzen Sie die zahlreichen Möglichkeiten, und gestalten Sie Ihren ganz persönlichen Karriereweg. Werden Sie Teil unseres Erfolgs als eine der führenden, international orientierten Wirtschaftskanzleien in Deutschland. Mehr ...


*Deloitte Legal means the legal practices of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited member firms or their affiliates that provide legal services. For legal, regulatory or other reasons not all member firms provide legal services.

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