6 Apr.

Deloitte Legal Webcast "Legal Update #6/2022"

Claims of German entities and investors against the Russian Federation with regard to direct and indirect damages caused by the war in Ukraine

Wednesday, 11:00 a.m.  CET

Wednesday, 6 April 2022 | 11:00 - 11:45 a.m.



Webcast in German language – feel free to contact any member of our team for explanations in English. 

On February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation attacked Ukraine. This aggression, which violates international law, has led to a humanitarian catastrophe. At the same time, assets are destroyed, supply chains are interrupted, ongoing business is destroyed, companies are forced into insolvency and considerable costs are incurred to repair the damage. This also affects investments and business activities of German companies in Ukraine. 

In addition, German companies that conduct business activities in the Russian Federation or own subsidiaries or interests in companies there are affected. They are indirectly harmed as a result of the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation and suffer significant economic damage. In addition, due to the overall situation, some companies have decided to withdraw from Russian business and close operations temporarily or permanently. In addition to the resulting damage, they are threatened with expropriation by the Russian Federation.

In our webcast, we will discuss the question of whether and to what extent affected companies can demand compensation for the losses suffered from the Russian state and how this can be enforced. 

Intended topics include:

  • Overview of possible claims for damages and compensation
  • Possibility of asserting claims before German courts with regard to assets of the Russian Federation located (and frozen) in Germany
  • Claims based on the investment protection agreement between Germany and the Russian Federation
  • Enforcement of claims in investor-state arbitration (ISDS) before an international arbitration court
    • Investments on the territory of Ukraine
    • Investments on the territory of the Russian Federation
  • Recognition and enforcement of international arbitral awards in assets of the Russian Federation located abroad

Our Dispute Resolution experts Michael Falter, Julia Geselle and Peter Karmann will guide you through the webcast.

Feel free to ask your questions for the Q&A part already during your registration. 


Register here for our Webcast.


In case of organizational questions, please contact:

Corinna Göbert

Tel: +49 211 87722491

Your Contact

Peter Karmann

Peter Karmann


Peter Karmann's main practice areas are corporate law advice to national and international companies and shareholders as well as managing directors, management boards and supervisory boards. The main focus is on corporate restructuring, the digitization of legal corporate processes and advising entrepreneurial families/family offices, in particular on corporate succession. Furthermore, Mr. Karmann advises domestic and foreign companies on the establishment of cross-border distribution structures, on contracts for work and project contracts as well as supply contracts for supply chains. Mr. Karmann has special expertise in international law and CISG. His branch focuses are in the automotive, plant and mechanical engineering sectors. In addition, Mr. Karmann represents domestic and foreign clients before German ordinary courts as well as before national and international arbitration tribunals. A particular specialization of Mr. Karmann is also the provision of legal advice in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe with regard to the essential cultural and sociological aspects. Due to his proven knowledge of the country and foreign languages, the focus here is on the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic He speaks German (native), English, Czech, Slovak and French.

Wednesday, 6 Apr 2022 11:00 a.m. CET
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