
Deloitte Legal advises Exporo again on the acquisition of an office property in the centre of Hanover

The Hanover-based Deloitte Legal team led by Johannes Passas and Gunnar Fehringer (Commercial/Real Estate, both lead) advised Hamburg-based FinTech company Exporo, a leading platform for digital real estate investments, on the acquisition of an office property in the centre of Hanover.

Through the transaction signed on 18 May 2021 and completed on 1 August 2021, Exporo acquired the existing property "school authority of the state capital" from a company of the Litos Real Estate Group. The office building, which has been continuously modernised, is located in a prominent position in the city centre of Hanover and has approx. 2,350 m² of leased space spread over seven floors. The tenant, the state capital of Hanover, has been using the building for over 30 years, currently for the school authority.

The acquired portfolio property will be offered by Exporo on the new investment platform PROPVEST. With this purchase, Exporo is further expanding its portfolio and consistently pursuing its own acquisition strategy in the "mid-cap segment", i.e. the purchase of properties in the volume range of approx. 5 to 15 million euros.

By way of a combination of legal advice, transaction experience and clear communication the Deloitte Legal team was able to contribute to the success of the transaction. Deloitte Legal has already advised Exporo on real estate transactions in the past.

About Exporo:

The Hamburg-based FinTech company Exporo is one of Germany's leading platforms for digital real estate investments. For this purpose, Exporo bundles capital from many private investors who can invest in real estate easily and directly online via the Exporo platform. The private investors can invest in selected real estate projects, finance real estate projects from professional project developers via the "Exporo Financing" product and receive attractive returns. In addition, Exporo has created a new product brand, PROPVEST, which allows investors to invest in rented existing properties and - similar to an owner - to profit from the rental income and the increase in value. Exporo now holds more than 300 million euros in assets under management. A team of experienced real estate experts acquires and analyses over hundreds of properties and project developments every year. Since its founding in November 2014, more than 800 million euros have been digitally brokered.

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