
Useful Tips

Some advice from our team

Your CV is your opportunity to sell the skills, experience and achievements you have that make you a good match to the opportunity you have applied for and Deloitte.

Iza Gelashvili, Office Manager

Iza Gelashvili has some sound advice for applicants. “First impressions are important: your c.v. is the first thing that a potential employer will see, so you should make sure that yours is well laid out, thorough, easy to understand and, importantly, error-free.

“If you are invited to come and see us, you should remember that we need a well-balanced team, with a mix of skills so there are not necessarily any right and wrong answers.

“If you pass the first hurdle and are invited back to see us again, then just “be yourself”. This may seem like pretty banal advice, but we see a lot of candidates and we can often tell if someone is trying to bluff us or hide something. One more thing, you should take some initiative too - ask questions. You’ll be speaking to someone who already knows what it’s like to work for us, so make the most of the opportunity. You will also make a good impression!

“If you get to the final stage of the process – the cocktail party – make sure that you are remembered for the right things. Make an effort to meet a range of people, be sociable, smile and take an interest.” 

Giorgi Kharaishvili, Audit Manager

Giorgi Kharaishvii says: “A c.v. should answer the questions a reader may have, not pose new ones. For example, if the role you are going for doesn’t seem to be logical career progression, you should tell the reader why. Your c.v. should sell your best qualities and skills, but be careful not to exaggerate: for instance, if you can’t prove the “fluent English” in your c.v. it’s definitely best to leave out the claim. Try and make your c.v. different enough to stand out, whilst remaining professional.

“As for the interview – be ready for everything. You’ll meet our HR and business professionals. So you could be asked questions relating to your education, your specialist field or your personal interests.

“Some golden rules: arrive on time, follow the dress code, answer honestly and try to keep calm. Interviewers are often as nervous as you are, it’s important for them to select the right candidates from the many people we see. So, if you are the right candidate for us, your task is to show it.

“Holding an introductory event for potential recruits is a pretty unique twist but in my opinion, we need to know not just that our candidates have the right professional skills, but also whether they will fit in well with the team. The cocktail party is also a great opportunity for our candidates to meet potential colleagues and judge for themselves whether Deliotte is right for them too.”

Giorgi Tavartkiladze, Senior Manager, Tax and Legal

Giorgi Tavartkiladze says, that the most important thing in the whole recruitment process is not to pretend to be someone you’re not: “I think that the most important is to be yourself. You shouldn’t exaggerate and embroider when talking about yourself. Talk to your interviewers in the way you’d talk to any new acquaintances.”

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