
COVID_19 Anti-crisis Economic Plan 

On 24 April 2020, the Prime Minister of Georgia presented the COVID-19 Anti-crisis Economic Plan (“AEP”), covering already implemented activities, as well as the measures to be taken going forwrad, which in some instances require several legal changes. While presenting the AEP, the Prime Minister also announced the projected “reopening of the economic”, which impacts dates of reopening of various fields of the economy.

This newsletter will provide you with the information about the Anti-crisis Economic Plan and the stages of removal of restrictions on economic activities.

This newsletter aims to provide the reader only with a general understanding of information about the COVID-19 Anti-crisis Economic Plan introduced by the Government of Georgia on 24 April, 2020. It neither purports to provide nor is intended to replace professional legal or any other advice.

Any reliance made on the information contained in this newsletter is your sole responsibility and Deloitte will not be held liable for any losses that may arise thereby. Full professional legal advice should be sought when dealing with specific situations.

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