Optimizing your organization's in-house legal operating model
Is your model fit for the future?
The world of the in-house General Counsel and the teams they oversee is changing due in part to changing expectations as well as technological transformation. Those rising to the challenge of transformation, need to develop their strategy and determine how to deliver it.
We call this the operating model: the operational structure that allows an organization to achieve its objectives.
Without a defined strategy, a governance framework cannot be set in place to support your strategic objectives and to determine roles and responsibilities.
At Deloitte, we are pioneering and pragmatic, drawing on the experience of our own lawyers who work alongside in-house counsel, and the expertise of our change, technology and risk teams to consider how GCs and legal teams can respond to the demands and opportunities they face and put together the business case for change.
In an ever-evolving business landscape, the right legal strategy trumps all.
Download your copy of this paper for advice on how to develop your in-house legal operating model. Make your legal function fit for the future.
The process of developing your legal operating mode is not something to rush; stepping back requires both time and space from those involved. To help set the foundation of your in-house legal operating model, there are 3 levels that should be taken into consideration.