Mitigating the impacts of climate change is a monumental task. Yet, we know progress is possible if we act collectively. It is vital that we all (business and society) take urgent and immediate action.

To do our part to help the world achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, Deloitte has launched WorldClimate, our strategy to drive responsible climate choices within our organization and beyond.

We recognize change starts within. Deloitte must set and meet higher standards for itself, including achieving science-based net-zero with 2030 goals. We will also connect with others, empowering our professionals and engaging our broader ecosystem to create solutions that facilitate the transition to a low carbon economy. This will require reimagining, reinventing and redesigning many of the day-to-day experiences of our lives, as well as how businesses and economies operate.

The opportunity to create a more sustainable world is at our collective fingertips. We all are compelled to act.


The world today


Our commitments

We commit to achieving science-based net-zero with 2030 goals for our own operations, ahead of the 2050 timeframe set by the Paris Agreement.

Specific goals include:

  • Reducing our business travel emissions 50% per FTE by FY2030 from FY2019 levels
  • Sourcing 100% renewable energy for our buildings by FY2030
  • Converting 100% of our fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles by FY2030
  • Engaging with our major suppliers with the goal of having two thirds of them (by emissions) adopt science-based targets
  • Investing in meaningful market solutions for emissions we cannot eliminate

Deloitte has had its emissions reduction targets (scopes 1 and 2) approved by the Science Based Targets initiative as consistent with levels required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement (1.5.°C trajectory). Deloitte’s target for the emissions from its value chain (scope 3) meet the Science Based Target initiative’s criteria for ambitious value chain goals, meaning they are in line with current best practice. 

We recognize we must align our climate policies, practices, and actions across our organization, by:

  • Designating a senior leader to be responsible for climate in each geography
  • Prioritizing discussion of climate change on executive agendas
  • Embedding climate-smart considerations into decisions on office operations, real estate, and investments

By engaging and educating our employees on climate change impacts - decisions about what they consume, use, and buy - we will enable our people to make positive climate choices at home and at work, and amplify these through their personal networks.

We will collaborate with clients, alliance partners, NGOs, industry groups, suppliers, and others to address climate change at a systems and operations level.


“The challenges presented by the climate crisis are enormous and no organization can solve them single-handedly. The greatest impact will come through the collective action of like-minded organizations, people, innovators and non-governmental organizations.” – Punit Renjen, Deloitte Global CEO
