Deloitte launches university for Europe, the Middle East and Africa
Press release
Investing in Deloitte staff to develop innovative leaders who will help clients operate in today’s complex marketplace.
Brussels, 16 December, 2013 – Deloitte today launched Deloitte University Europe, the Middle East and Africa (DU EMEA) to help staff – and ultimately clients – navigate market changes and stay on the leading edge of learning and innovation.
DU EMEA’s curriculum is tailored to the region’s needs to deliver cutting-edge learning that will develop the next generation of international business leaders and advisers. Located in Belgium, the university builds on the success of Deloitte University (DU) launched two years ago in Westlake, Texas, USA, which has been attended by more than 50,000 people from over 70 countries.
An example of the innovation and learning the university will deliver is the Deloitte Client Experience Labs, which also opened today at the DU EMEA facility. Along with the learning programs delivered at DU EMEA, the Lab will provide a semi-permanent environment for clients and staff to collaborate on innovative approaches to address complex business problems. Lab sessions will incorporate the use of expert facilitation, tailored engagement techniques, a flexible physical design space, and collaborative technologies.
“Deloitte University is more than a physical location—it represents the global expansion of a different, and we think better, way of doing business. As a professional services organization, we need smart, well-trained people to serve our clients across borders. Deloitte professionals are the greatest asset we have, and we’re committed to investing in them and developing them as leaders,” said Barry Salzberg, former Deloitte Global CEO. “We launched the first DU in the U.S. two years ago. In that short time it’s become successful beyond our highest expectations. This second university builds on that success and satisfies a need in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.”
As with DU in the United States, DU EMEA courses will be led by current Deloitte leaders who will share their knowledge and on-the-job experiences in a tailored classroom setting. Deloitte is working alongside with Dolce Hotels and Resorts for the hosting of centrally organized training - Dolce La Hulpe Brussels is the primary location for DU EMEA, with additional space at Dolce Chantilly to cater for expected future growth.
The programs within the DU EMEA curriculum were designed to ensure that learning remains an integral part of the workplace and is practically applied in the most effective way. The curriculum was developed to bring high value to business and includes business development, leadership, functional, and industry learning.
“The development of an international curriculum at Deloitte University EMEA has been a collaborative effort between member firms,” said Deloitte Netherlands’ Jorrit Volkers, Dean, DU EMEA. “Deloitte University EMEA is a place for current Deloitte leaders to inspire and develop the next generation.”
“Competition for talent in the coming years will be challenging. Deloitte University EMEA will help the organization attract and retain talent by distinguishing Deloitte from its competitors.” said Rik Vanpeteghem, Deloitte Belgium CEO. “We aim to develop comprehensive, innovative and impactful solutions to the challenges faced by clients and by society. Both DU EMEA and The Lab are important platforms for sharing experiences and insights that will contribute to those solutions.”
A DU EMEA opening ceremony took place at Dolce La Hulpe on Monday 16 December to celebrate the collective commitment taken by the participating member firms. 350 people heard from speakers including Former Deloitte Global CEO Barry Salzberg, who shared his personal story on the founding of DU in the United States. Keynote speaker Bob Geldof provided inspiring insights on making a vision reality through challenge, collaboration and leadership.
Jorrit Volkers believes that DU EMEA will contribute to broader debates on corporate leadership development and learning. With this goal in mind, he hosted a round table in conjunction with the launch, to discuss current challenges and trends in the world of corporate and leadership development training. The round table event brought together a number of European corporate university deans and business school heads, marking the beginning of future collaboration and partnering amongst these organizations.
Press contact
Lauren Mistretta
Global Communications
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Tel: +1 312 486 4259
Mobile: +1 773 456 8191
Carolyn Vadino
Global Communications
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Tel: +1 212 436 6970
Mobile: +1 917 574 5367
* Notes to editors:
- DU EMEA was developed through a network of member firms in the region including Southern Africa, Belgium, Central Europe, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, United Kingdom, Luxembourg, and Austria.
- In FY14, nearly 4,000 people are expected to participate in the DU EMEA curriculum.
- DU EMEA participation is expected to be close to 10,000 training days in FY14, rising to at least 30,000 training days annually in the next three years. Training programs include sessions organised centrally, locally or virtually (online).
- In FY13, learning programs delivered at DU in Westlake, Texas, USA increased the organization’s investment in learning and development by 40 percent.
- Dolce La Hulpe Brussels is the primary location for central DU EMEA training - a well-known conference facility in a city symbolizing the spirit of international cooperation on which DU EMEA is founded, and that is easily accessible to visitors from across Europe and beyond. DU EMEA will also make use of the facilities at Dolce Chantilly (France) to provide extra flexibility and options.
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Deloitte provides audit, tax, consulting, and financial advisory services to public and private clients spanning multiple industries. With a globally connected network of member firms in more than 150 countries, Deloitte brings world-class capabilities and high-quality service to clients, delivering the insights they need to address their most complex business challenges. Deloitte has in the region of 200,000 professionals, all committed to becoming the standard of excellence.