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2021 Transparency Report
Deloitte Greece
Explore Deloitte Greece’s Transparency Report for the Greek fiscal year that ended on 30 June 2021 as published by the Board of Directors of Deloitte Greece. The report contains details regarding our legal structure, governance and the system of quality controls we employ in our audit practice.
At Deloitte, we are committed to delivering measurable and enduring impact on behalf of our clients, community and society. As part of that commitment, we believe in the value of transparency and continue to provide public information about the key elements that drive audit quality for the benefit of investors. Transparency builds confidence in the independent audit process.The Deloitte Greece 2021 Transparency Report includes information about our legal structure, governance, ethical principles and quality control procedures. The report also includes information about the Deloitte global network, our investments in our people and our financial performance.