
COVID-19: The role of Digital in the “new normal” Webinar

Held on May 7, 2020

As we enter the “Recover” phase of one of the most sweeping crisis in recent history, resilient leaders need to take into consideration the main upcoming disruptions and challenges in order to guide their businesses from “Respond” to “Thrive”.

But how digital capabilities are being related to these key disruptions and how resilient organizations should leverage digital in view of this effort?

Follow again our webinar to get access to all the digital insights from our consulting team.


Introduction and moderation - Nikos Christodoulou, Partner, Consulting Leader

Understanding the consumer - Kostis Chlouverakis, Principal, Customer & Marketing and Analytics, Consulting

Digitizing the supply chain - Vicky Athanassiadou, Partner, Enterprise Technology & Performance, Consulting

Optimizing operations - Katerina Glava, Partner, Core Business Operations, Consulting

Integrating the workforce - Yiorgos Fragkos, Principal, Human Capital, Consulting

Accelerating the digital investments - Yiannis Valvis, Partner, Strategy, Consulting