2019 Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Industry Outlook Header


2019 Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Industry Outlook

Five trends for the oil and gas and chemicals industries

In 2018, global oil demand looks likely to have breached 100 MMbbl/d for the first time, natural gas continues to expand its share of key markets, and chemicals has seen strong revenue growth. Now, the industry is entering the new year with increased volatility in prices and regulatory overhangs amidst many new business opportunities. What factors will shape the short- and long-term trajectory of the industry? Read about the state of the industry in Deloitte’s 2019 Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Outlook, a take from Duane Dickson, US Oil, Gas & Chemicals leader, Deloitte LLP.

If there is one constant in energy markets, it is change, as prices shift and companies adapt. Separately, the chemicals sector has enjoyed positive growth and margins for the past few years, so we will be watching to see if signs of a slowdown emerge. Although no one can truly claim to know what will happen in the next 12 months, it is useful to try to understand how the business environment might evolve

2019 Oil, Gas, and Chemicals Industry Outlook
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