Transparency and Brand Protection
Building trust with stakeholders is becoming more and more important every day for any organization and company that either operates in a local market or in multiple jurisdictions. A key element in building this trust is to have established procedures, based on which transactions and business activities are performed in a transparent manner and in a way that can be evident to the stakeholders. Designing and operating a robust Anti-Bribery program helps organizations and companies to build and maintain this transparency and foster trust with their stakeholders.
About our Services:
We provide assistance in the design of end-to-end Anti-Bribery Programs, their evaluation and their enhancement. Our services are focused addressing
the needs of the respective programs of our clients, whether these regard:
- The design and implementation of the Anti-Bribery Program based on the industry and nature of operations of the organization
- The development of policies and procedures
- The development of a governance structure for the program
- The identification, assessment and mitigation of bribery risks
- The development of a methodology to assess bribery risks and controls
- Health check or continuous monitoring ABAC analytics
- The program evaluation based on applicable regulatory framework (Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, UK bribery Act, etc.)
- ABAC reviews of third parties (suppliers, subcontractors, etc.)
- Training programs for the Anti-Bribery Officer, for personnel and other stakeholders.
Furthermore, we help design Anti-Bribery Programs based on best practices and standards, such as ISO 37001 “Antibribery Management Systems” and assist in the ISO certification process.