Fourth Global IFRS Banking Survey


Fourth Global IFRS Banking Survey

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The Fourth Global IFRS Banking Survey has been conducted over a critical period in the development of IFRS 9 and seeks to provide our clients, standard setters and regulators with insights into current thinking across the sector.

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Building on the last three surveys, this edition includes contributions from 54 of the world’s major banking groups and global systemically important financial institutions (G-SIFIs).

Key findings from the report include:

  • Banks will require 3 years to implement IFRS 9, so will come under pressure with a 2018 effective date
  • 56% of banks surveyed feel that pricing will be affected by accounting change
  • 70% of banks surveyed expect their IFRS 9 expected loss to be higher than current regulatory expected loss
  • Coordination of internal stakeholders and resource constraints are key IFRS 9 implementation challenges

Download the Third Global IFRS Banking Survey, published in January 2013.

Fourth Global IFRS Banking Survey: Ready to land
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