Dimensional marketing


Dimensional marketing

A public sector perspective

Driven by their experiences in the private sector, many citizens are letting their expectations for service in the public arena soar. The principles of the 2015 Tech Trend Dimensional Marketing provide a compelling roadmap for citizen engagement. Engage with citizens as customers—give them the integrated, informed, and customized user experiences they expect, and everybody should win. What’s at stake? Potentially better service and better results.

Meeting constituent expectations

As we’ve seen through many examples in the commercial world, seamless, rich transactions often lead to better adoption, reduced cost, and more satisfied consumers. The same dimensional marketing tactics used in commercial sectors like retail and healthcare can be used by government today. Public sector IT leaders are in a strong position to improve citizen outcomes while also driving important performance improvements.

Social networks and analytics are of special interest, but the broader possibilities are upending traditional views of citizen engagement across all levels of government. Agencies should consider focusing on reducing unnecessary touch points and improving transactions, because many public sector IT leaders have significant opportunities to more deeply engage with citizens to improve effectiveness and efficiency in delivering government services.

Download the PDF from Tech Trends 2015: A public sector perspective.

Moving forward

  • Zero in on the customer. Who will be using your solutions? What are their demographic profiles? How do they engage with technology? The better you understand your target users, the more effective your efforts can be across multiple channels.
  • Design for an elegant user experience. Focus on delivering rich customer engagement offerings that aim for a true “win-win” situation between the constituent and government.
  • Measure what matters. There are multiple opportunities for metrics, so focus on those that can help you understand what people are actually doing. Whether tracking the number of transactions driven from one touch point or the uptake of crowdsourcing for certain applications, listen to how, why, and when – and by whom your services are being used.
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