CKD, economic impact


CERPIs and CKDes: portfolio diversification assets

A guide for General Partners in Mexico

The total amount issued by CKDes as of December 2015 is approximately 191,274 million Mexican pesos, distributed among 52 CKDes, which specialize in financial assets, equity funds, real estate assets and infrastructure projects, depending on the sector (telecommunications, energy, real estate, hydraulics, etc.)

2015 was the year with the greatest amount and volume of CKDes issued (16 in total), which mainly focus on financing private equity funds (41%) and infrastructure (21%).

Explore Content

In this report you will find more about:

  • What is a CKD? (Description, pros and cons, economic impact)
  • History
  • Current Status (participants in the operation and role description, market standards, legal and economic terms, main differences with other vehicles, types of assets)
  • Typical project stages
  • Fiduciary investment project securitization certificates
  • Regulation in progress (private equity trust international standards, required regulations, tax considerations)
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