Global Powers of Retailing 2015 Ha sido salvado
Global Powers of Retailing 2015
Abrazando la innovación
Un análisis sobre la industria minorista a nivel mundial
The 20th annual Global Powers of Retailing identifies the 250 largest retailers around the world based on publicly available data for FY2015 (encompassing companies' fiscal years ended through June 2016), and analyzes their performance across geographies, sectors, and channels. It also provides a look at the world's 50 biggest e-retailers and the 50 fastest-growing retailers.
Although the global economy struggled to gain momentum, the Global Powers of Retailing Top 250 achieved profitable growth in FY2015, generating aggregate retail revenues of US$4.31 trillion and resulting in an average size of US$17.2 billion per company.
Global Powers of Retailing 2017: The art and science of customers is much more than a list, however. Ira Kalish, Deloitte's Chief Global Economist, provides a global economic outlook, forecasting how trends – including globalization, deflation and commodity prices – will impact retail growth or disruption over the next year.
The report also discusses the art and science of customer engagement to help retailers design fresh experiences, enabled by the right technology, and strengthen customer loyalty. While the five trends discussed are not new, what is interesting for 2017 is that what was once futuristic is now table stakes. Retail innovators know technology is no longer supplemental to the shopping experience, it is fundamental. Technology alone, however, is not enough. Customers are seeking new and surprising products and experiences.
The five trends identified are:
- Changing preferences: Less is more. Customers are defining themselves less by how many things they own and more by how curated their lives are in terms of possessions and experiences.
- Changing preferences: “Following” economy. Customers are seeking experiences and products that reflect the personal brand they promote on social media.
- Changing formats: “Retailization” of the world. The maker movement, the sharing economy, and other factors have made it increasingly difficult to define what a retailer is and does.
- Changing formats: On-demand shopping and fulfillment. Relevancy will be determined by the ability of retailers to meet the on-demand mindset of the modern customer.
- Changing expectations: Exponential living. Exponential technologies are changing how we live and how we will shop.
Global Powers of Retailing 2016: Navigating the new digital divide
The 19th annual Global Powers of Retailing identifies the 250 largest retailers around the world based on publicly available data for fiscal 2014 (encompassing companies' fiscal years ended through June 2015), and analyzes their performance based on geographic region, product sector, e-commerce activity, and other factors. It also provides a look at the world's 50 biggest e-retailers.
Global Powers of Retailing 2015: Embracing Innovation
The 18th annual Global Powers of Retailing identifies the 250 largest retailers around the world, and analyzes their performance based on geographic region, product sector, e-commerce activity, and other factors. It also provides a look at the world's 50 biggest e-retailers. In addition, the report considers strategies retailers are taking to cope with disruptive change in the industry, provides an overview of the global economy and how it will impact the retail sector, and discusses "Q Ratio" which is a way of measuring non-tangible business assets.
La 18ª edición del reporte anual Global Powers of Retailing, elaborado por Deloitte, analiza las 250 empresas detallistas más grandes a nivel mundial (según los datos del año fiscal 2013) e incluye un reporte de su rendimiento basado en su región geográfica, sector, comercio en línea y otros factores.
El reporte de este año tiene como tema principal la innovación y se centra en las cinco tendencias principales: Las compras detallistas internacionales, el retail móvil, un retail más rápido en velocidad de respuesta y entrega, la experiencia del retail, y el retail innovador (nueva tecnología y competencia innovadora).
Lo más relevante que destaca la 18ª edición del reporte anual:
- Identificación de las 250 compañías minoristas o de retail más importantes del mundo.
- Un reporte sobre el rendimiento de las empresas con base en su región geográfica y por sector así como actividad en comercio electrónico.
- La edición de este año se enfoca en la innovación y da un vistazo a las tendencias del retail para el 2015.
Global Powers of Retailing 2015: Abrazando la innovación - tendencias Retail 2015
El tema del informe de este año, "Abrazando la innovación", se ilustra con los cinco tendencias de moda en esta infografía.
Hay cinco tendencias minoristas importantes para 2015 que se forman por los cambios disruptivos en la actualidad que afectan el mercado. La primera es la venta minorista de viajes, lo que está redefiniendo los conceptos de base de clientes y la transformación de las obras comerciales de los aeropuertos papel en la estrategia de una empresa. El segundo es el comercio minorista móvil, un negocio de rápido crecimiento que se espera para abordar de US $ 640 mil millones en ventas globales anuales dentro de pocos años. El tercero es el comercio minorista más rápido, que es justo lo que su nombre indica: la velocidad del mercado, la velocidad de respuesta, velocidad de entrega. La cuarta es la experiencia de venta al por menor, que tiene tiendas y añade entretenimiento, emoción, compromiso más profundo, ya veces incluso un entorno completo. Y por último está el comercio minorista innovador, que responde al mercado interrupción con creatividad perjudicial en sí mismo.
Global Powers of Retailing 2014: Retail Beyond begins
The 17th annual Global Powers of Retailing report identifies the 250 largest retailers, examines trends for retailers to consider as they plan their growth strategies, provides a global economic outlook, and discusses "Q" ratio. This edition also includes a section on “Retail Beyond,” which takes a provocative look at how existing technologies could conceivably converge and further transform the already complex relationship between retailers and consumers. In addition, the 2014 report marks the first appearance of the Top 50 E-retailers list.
Global Powers of Retailing 2013: Retail beyond
The 16th annual Global Powers of Retailing report identifies the 250 largest retailers, provides a global economic outlook, and discusses "Q" ratio. It also includes a section on "The Future of Retail," which examines the industry impact as consumers seek an integrated shopping experience across channels – and in some cases across geographies – causing some retailers to be put to the test.