
Digitising Indonesia's Health Care Sector

The report provides a comprehensive look at the rapid development of Indonesia's digital health care sector since COVID-19 pandemic. In-depth survey results on digital health care stakeholders, as well as roadblocks and opportunities on Indonesia's digital health care will be covered in the report.

Indonesia's strategy in integrating digital technology into health care services propels the development of digital health care. COVID-19 contact tracing, vaccination, and even telemedicine are served under the digital healthcare umbrella. Despite these feats, questions arise: to what extend have Indonesia's digital health services helped consumers? How confident are medical practitioners with the accuracy of diagnosis via digital consultation? What challenges and opportunities await the digital healthcare sector in Indonesia? What will be the future of traditional hospitals? Further understanding from sector stakeholders' perspectives will be beneficial for the future of Indonesia's health care.

Digitising Indonesia's Health Care Sector
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