Embed sustainability

Advancing responsible climate choices

India’s turning point 
How climate action can drive our economic future 

At Deloitte, we have set a bold target to reach net zero emissions by 2030.

Deloitte’s Five-Step, Climate-led Transformation Framework  


Deloitte 2023 CxO Sustainability Report

While the vast majority of CxOs surveyed share the view that the world can achieve global economic growth while also reaching climate change goals, there continues to be a gap between actions and impact as organisations are slower to implement the “needlemoving” actions that embed sustainability into the core of their strategies, operations, and cultures.

Deloitte India’s ESG Preparedness survey 2023

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP (Deloitte India) undertook this survey to gauge organisations' preparedness levels on ESG requirements (policies, regulations, disclosures, and compliances) and examine their ESG efforts and strategies.

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