deloitte impact day 2016 community


Deloitte professionals celebrate their 15th Impact Day on 24 November 2017

Every bit matters. Every gesture counts.

Every year tens of thousands of Deloitte professionals team up across different cities and spend one entire working day serving our communities. This is a celebration of what we do year-round for our communities.

At Deloitte, being a responsible business citizen is one of our core beliefs. We recognize that as individuals and as an organization, we must contribute to our communities and the larger business world in which we live and work. On Impact Day, we take the opportunity to celebrate Corporate Social Responsibility because it not only helps us act as responsible business citizens, but also complements our culture and leadership potential. We firmly believe in the fact: ‘Community – It’s our business.’

What is Impact Day?

Every year tens of thousands of Deloitte professionals team up across different cities and spend one entire working day serving our communities. This is a celebration of what we do year-round for our communities. In 2016, over 30,000 professionals participated in over 175 different education and skill development related projects across 12 cities in India.  Member firms around the world host Impact Days, where Deloitte professionals spend the day volunteering. It provides an opportunity for Deloitte professionals to put their passion, determination, and skills to use for the benefit of their communities.

Why do we do this?

Deloitte is strongly committed to positive societal change. Community Involvement drives measurable change in our communities, inspires our actions as societal change makers and instills great pride in knowing that what we do best — applying our skills and experience — accelerates positive, societal impact.

Three things that differentiate Deloitte’s approach to community involvement are:

  • Skills-based volunteerism for sustainable impact
  • Collaboration with non-profits
  • Commitment to Community being central to who we are as an organization and being integral to the growth of our professionals as leaders
How does it help our professionals?

Apart from providing our professionals with a platform to invest their passion for social change into meaningful opportunities, volunteering help us nurture and practice leadership skills in our people. It gives them an opportunity to demonstrate and grow their abilities and employ creative problem solving that is directly applicable to their jobs

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