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Life at Deloitte
AlumD Broadcast
February 2020: Big impact STEMs from small steps
Dear alums,
11 February 2020 was the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.
The fourth industrial revolution (4IR) can be an enabler of gender equality, or an accelerator of gender disparities. Part of it depends on how we upskill our people, especially our women and girls.
According to a recent report, low involvement of women in STEM education leaves them unprepared for the 4IR, with one woman across the globe gaining one STEM-related job for every 20 similar jobs lost. Personally, the most startling statistic was one by the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), which captures the perceptions and extent of preparedness of 14−18 year olds to enter the workforce in rural India. It reported that 76% of surveyed females had never used the internet.
Deloitte’s global initiative, WorldClass endeavours to help people develop job skills, improve educational outcomes, and access opportunities to succeed in the world of tomorrow. In India, the ambition is to prepare 10 million women and girls for a world of opportunity.
In our previous newsletter, you would have also read about Deloitte’s tie up with the Ella Project, a comic strip that serves to motivate young girls to take up STEM education and careers.
This edition of the newsletter features an interview with Jaskiran Bhatia, Partner with the Tax Technology team – a proud woman in STEM.
Additionally, we hear from an alumnus who was with the firm for more than 26 years, get updates about the latest thought ware and events from Deloitte, and much more.
Happy reading! As always, your feedback is much appreciated!
N.C. Hegde
National Leader, People & Culture - Deloitte India