
Anti-fraud and Compliance

Preparedness eLearning Training Programs

Deloitte Forensic’s Anti-fraud and Compliance Preparedness eLearning Training Programs offer organizations the flexibility of customized modules on a web-based platform to create awareness about these issues within the organization. This, in turn, may help the organization comply with its regulatory requirements pertaining to fraud risk management, misconduct, and non-compliance.

Can you risk losing 5 percent of your revenues to fraud because your employees may be unprepared to tackle it? 

Experience shows that organizations that have robust employee training programs are better equipped to prevent, detect and respond to instances of fraud, misconduct and noncompliance.

Our latest service—Anti-fraud and compliance preparedness training programs—allows organizations to comply with regulatory requirements, while creating awareness about these issues amongst your employees. Over time, this awareness can help employees deter possible incidents of fraud, misconduct, or non-compliance that they may be exposed to.


Anti-fraud and Compliance Preparedness Training Programs

Anti-fraud and Compliance Preparedness eLearning Training programs

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