How has the pandemic impacted legal departments globally? has been saved
How has the pandemic impacted legal departments globally?
Insights and learnings
Deloitte’s Global Chief Legal Officer programme undertook a survey in August 2020 on how legal departments were faring months into the pandemic. Findings revealed that most legal departments were involved in addressing business continuity and cyber vulnerability issues.
- 55 percent of organisations facing contractual and supply chain disruptions had started analysing impacted contracts.
- 81 percent of organisations that prioritised cybersecurity reported having a plan to handle the legal ramifications of a cyberattack.
- To cope with the increased workload of legal departments and better manage risks, organisations were investing in technologies and transform their contract lifecycle management solutions.
For more findings, please download the report here. For a short read on insurance considerations for COVID-19 impacted businesses in India, please click here.
What does it mean to be an effective GC in today’s business environment? Listen to Debbie Majoras, Chief Legal Officer and Secretary at Procter & Gamble share insights on leading in a crisis. She talks on the following topics:
• Bringing authenticity to leadership
• Enthusiastic legal leadership
• Driving diversity and inclusion
Do share your stories on how you and your team remained effective in these uncertain times, by writing to Archana Venkat (
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