Legal analytics – Are you getting the most from it? has been saved
Legal analytics – Are you getting the most from it?
Insights and learnings
In the US, legal officers are investing in analytics technology that will help them in data management and prioritise actions. If you have invested in analytics tools, you may want to evaluate how well they support you in decision-making in the following four areas:
• Compliance and regulatory support
• Internal investigations
• Fraud, waste, and abuse
• Incident response
Download the list of questions to ask under each area here.
The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted businesses and legal functions, and accelerated some strategic decision-making. To understand what legal teams are doing, please spare five-minutes to go through the insights:
• To better manage high-risk contracts
• To continue or initiate internal investigations
We hope you will find this newsletter interesting and relevant. We would love to showcase your point of view and experiences on a variety of topics that you may like to share with the wider community.
Please share your feedback and suggestions with Archana Venkat.
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