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Global Risk Management Survey, Eighth Edition
Setting a higher bar
Deloitte’s Global Risk Management Survey, Eighth Edition, assesses the state of risk management as the financial services industry confronts today’s challenges.
The survey’s findings reveal that retail and commercial banks, insurance companies, asset managers, and other financial institutions continue to have significant opportunities to strengthen their risk management processes and tools.
The global financial crisis has led to dramatic and ongoing transformation of the global financial services industry. Among other actions, major regulatory reforms have been enacted in multiple jurisdictions during the past several years, all with the goal of creating a more stable and transparent financial system. And while the extent of change has been enormous, developments thus far seem to mark only an intermediate step, and not the end, of a period of ongoing flux for risk management: setting a higher bar continues to be a focus across the industry, and institutions are looking to adjust business strategies, business processes, and risk management programs as new regulatory requirements are introduced or new risk issues emerge.
The Global Risk Management Survey, Eighth Edition, assesses the state of risk management as the financial services industry confronts today’s challenges. The survey was conducted from September to December 2012: chief risk officers or their equivalents from 86 financial institutions from around the world, with aggregate assets of more than $18 trillion, participated.
The survey’s findings reveal that retail and commercial banks, insurance companies, asset managers, and other financial institutions continue to have significant opportunities to strengthen their risk management processes and tools. Download the report and infographic to find additional insights on risk governance; enterprise risk management; Basel II, Solvency II, and economic capital; managing individual risk types; and risk management systems and infrastructure.
Read the infographic that summarizes the findings.