

Crisis and Resilience

Deploy your resiliency parachute

Business resiliency has never been more important for today’s organisations. We help clients prepare for the tough times by working on our parachutes everyday. The goal is not just recovery, but to be better prepared for the next crisis. Crisis & Resilience has emerged as a key strategic agenda for many organisations and business leaders, necessitating a re-look at the capabilities to effectively respond and recover from a crisis. This shift has presented a great opportunity for us to leverage our strong domain focus, proven capabilities and global reach to support our clients in their resilience journey.


A crisis can be a result of issues or incidents that may be ignored or unforeseen events with a potential to harm the business objectives.

Natural Disaster Management

Organisations need to approach disasters and plan for them in a manner that incorporates resilience against any natural calamity like earthquakes, cyclones, floods and more. Each organisation will have their own unique challenges, implementing a structure and framework in place will protect their physical and cyber assets and support a speedy recovery to business as usual.

Reopening the workplace: A resilient leader’s guide

As the COVID-19 pandemic radically disrupted work environments, the first priority has been crisis response: emphasizing health and safety, essential services, and the virtualization of work and education.

Focus on: Making crisis simulations matter

You know it’s coming. But not when, where, or how big. You’ll sleep a lot better if you’re confident that your crisis management plan works.


Crisis simulation

Many organizations devote substantial time and resources to risk management. But there’s a place where the predictable gives way to the unpredictable—and a risk, or combination of risks, turn into a crisis.

Towards a resilient organisation

It is a fact: the more resources you rely on, the more risk you are exposed to.

Crisis Command Centre 2.0

In times of crisis, businesses are forced to innovate, seek solutions, and find a path that will help them bounce back. Being resilient is not just the ability to move beyond responding and recovering but instead finding new directions that will help you grow and evolve.

Using your COVID-19 command center to build long-term resiliency

A command center can help an organization rebuild, restore, and recover – which can do even more than keep the lights on and get operations going again. A command center can become a powerful catalyst for overdue changes and build an organization’s long-term ability to respond and recover from future crises.