Transfer pricing alerts


Transfer pricing alerts

Transfer pricing

Updates on transfer pricing developments around the world.

Recent alerts

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-019

BEPS Action Plan Item 13: The New Documentation Standard Implications for the Financial Services Industry

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-018

Singapore Releases Proposed New Transfer Pricing Documentation Guidelines

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-017

France Publishes New Transfer Pricing Documentation Form

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-016

OECD Release on Intangibles: Many Issues Unanswered

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-015

OECD Chapter I Release: Important Guidance on Location-Specific Advantages and Passive Association

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-014

OECD Release on Transfer Pricing Documentation: The New Global Standard

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-013

France Postpones Due Date of New Transfer Pricing Documentation

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-012

India's 2014 Budget Includes Transfer Pricing Proposals

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-011

OECD BEPS Transfer Pricing Deliverables on Track for September G20 Review and Approval

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-010

Mexico’s Supreme Court Rules on Expense Sharing Agreements with Nonresidents

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-009

Greece Provides Guidance on Transfer Pricing Rules

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-008

Italy Clarifies, Amends Transfer Pricing Rules (14 April 2014)

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-007

Iceland Introduces New Transfer Pricing Rules (14 April 2014)

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-006

Indian APA Program Takes Off (7 April 2014)

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-005

2013 U.S. APA Report Shows Significant Efficiency Gains (7 April 2014)

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-004  

OECD Updates Transfer Pricing Documentation Proposal (4 April 2014)

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-003

IRS Issues Transfer Pricing Audit Roadmap (25 March 2014)

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-002

Danish Tribunal Rules on Cash Pooling Arrangement (5 March 2014)

Transfer Pricing alert: 14-001

France Enacts Additional Documentation Requirements (27 January 2014)


2013 Alerts

Transfer Pricing alert: 13-003

OECD Releases First Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Report (12 February 2013)

Transfer Pricing alert: 13-002

Brazil Issues New Transfer Pricing Regulations (18 January 2013)

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