Saurabh Khosla
Partner, Deloitte India
Saurabh is a qualified Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Graduate in Law and Commerce. He is a Certified Fraud Examiner (GFSU) and has also completed certifications in Cyber Laws and Forensic Accounting and Fraud Detection (ICAI).
He holds over 14 years of professional experience and has led and managed various Anti-bribery and corruption diligence exercises, whistle-blow reviews, investigation and FCPA DD projects (including proactive assignments to ensure compliances).
He is also a member of the technical committee on ISO 37001 (Anti-bribery management systems) with the nodal agency of ISO in India.
He has extensive experience of working with international law firms and has been instrumental in assisting corporates in developing and implementing compliance frameworks (including but not limited to code of ethics and conduct/ anti-bribery anti-corruption policies/ conflict of interest etc.), including for corporates who were in process of being listed.
He has delivered trainings on forensic audits & investigation techniques, use of technology in investigations and other related subjects to various regulatory & enforcement agencies.