Posted: 28 Sep. 2022

Future of Living: how innovation and sustainability help us meet the challenges of the present and build a better future

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It’s undeniable: in the last few years, our daily routines were significantly disrupted by unpredictable events such as covid-19 health emergency, international conflicts, and the energy crisis.  Our conception of the “new normal” has changed: our day-to-day life has become increasingly digital and sustainable, and marked by constant technological progress. Along with our habits, we have also changed our relationship with innovation, which is now seen by most as a key enabler of a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle.

This is one of the insights revealed by Deloitte's recent survey, "Future of Living - Innovation and Human Sustainability." The research aims to investigate the sentiment and the relationship of citizens with innovation and sustainability in seven areas of their day-to-day living: Environment and Energy, Entertainment and Leisure, Mobility, Health, Safety and Security, Shopping and Delivery, and Labor and Education.

The evidence from the 'Future of Living’ survey reveals deep social and economic change, which is pivoted on the trust that citizens reserve towards innovation: in fact, 80 percent of interviewees thinks that innovation will help improve their quality of life.

A new awareness is rising among citizens and consumers, stimulating the generation of innovative and sustainable commercial solutions, which have the potential of improving living standards for all. Indeed, businesses, facilitated by institutions, are called upon to undertake a revolutionary rethinking of their business models, in order to effectively and efficiently tackle social issues and sustainability standards through innovation. For this reason, too, it is critical that leaders and companies place environmental and human sustainability at the core of change, while thinking of innovation as the north star guiding that change. Achieving the sustainable society we desire requires a reconfiguration of the current industrial paradigm, in line with the expectations of the citizens and the insights gathered by the ‘Future of Living’ research.

Achieving our collective goals of positive social impact and environmental sustainability represents a major challenge for businesses and individual. However, it is a challenge that will bring a new model of living for all: a Future of Living that is more digital, interconnected, equitable, and green, and in which we will increasingly rely on innovation as the enabling factor for a more sustainable and higher quality lifestyle.

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Andrea Poggi

Andrea Poggi

Innovation Leader DCM e capo delegazione Deloitte del B7

Andrea Poggi è Global Lead Client Service Partner e Deputy CEO di Deloitte Central Mediterranean (DCM). È a capo della practice DCM Innovation, che ha fondato nel 2014, ed è CEO di Officine Innovazione, la prima firm di Deloitte specializzata in Innovation Management e Open Innovation, che ha fondato nel 2018. Dal 2015 al 2023 Andrea ha ricoperto il ruolo di Client&Industry (C&I) Leader in DCM, portando a un’importate crescita e instaurando partnership strategiche e rilevanti accordi di sponsorizzazione. Nel 2024 Andrea è stato nominato Head of Deloitte Delegation nel ruolo di unico Knowledge Partner di Confindustria che guida, sotto la Presidenza di Emma Marcegaglia, il B7, il principale engagement group del G7, che ha l'obiettivo di rappresentare la business community dei sette Stati economicamente più avanzati del pianeta. All'interno di Deloitte North & South Europe (NSE), Andrea ha guidato dal 2019 al 2023 la practice NSE Innovation, durante la quale ha sviluppato un programma di innovazione comune a 26 GEO, 5 Business e 6 Industries, ottenendo importanti risultati. Dal 2022 al 2023 ha inoltre ricoperto il ruolo di Managing Partner per NSE Growth. Durante i suoi mandati in NSE, Andrea ha fatto parte dell’NSE Exec, del Global C&I Exec e del Global Strategy & Innovation Exec. Nel 2012 ha posto le basi per lo sviluppo di Deloitte Monitor, la boutique di consulenza strategica di Deloitte Italia, con un focus su strategia aziendale e organizzativa, business plan, marketing e M&A. Durante la sua carriera di consulente, si è specializzato nei settori dei servizi finanziari e assicurativi. Con quasi 30 anni di esperienza manageriale nella consulenza strategica, nell'innovazione e nello sviluppo del mercato, Andrea è stato autore di diverse pubblicazioni ed è un riconosciuto thought leader, attivamente coinvolto in eventi della business community. Andrea è stato anche professore universitario di Business Organization e ha partecipato in qualità di relatore e di esperto a numerosi eventi e seminari.