integrated approach to combat cyber risk


An integrated approach to combat cyber risk

Securing industrial operations in oil and gas

Critical infrastructure relies on industrial control systems (ICS) to maintain safe and reliable operations. Making operational processes secure, vigilant, and resilient is a challenge and requires oil and gas companies to harmonize and align two cultures, engineering, and IT.

An integrated approach to combat cyber risk: Securing industrial operations in oil and gas

The oil and gas industry is making its way to the next level of digital evolution, embracing and integrating robotics, digitization, and the Internet of Things (IoT) into the operational environment. This has led to new opportunities to improve productivity and drive down costs. However, the convergence of operational and business systems has also opened up the company to a whole new array of cyber risk.

This report shares the insight gained from our extensive field experience, including lessons learned in helping oil and gas companies to go beyond safety in securing their ICS. This report examines how cyber threats impact the oil and gas value chain.

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Protecting the connected barrels: Cybersecurity for upstream oil and gas

Oil and gas might not seem like an industry that hackers would target. But they do—and the cybersecurity risks rise with every new data-based link between rigs, refineries, and headquarters. In an increasingly connected world, how can upstream O&G companies protect themselves? Learn more in this new cybersecurity report

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Refining at risk: Securing downstream assets from cybersecurity threats

Pipelines, refineries, and tank farms all rely heavily on industrial control systems to maintain smooth, safe operations. This combination of engineering and IT makes the downstream industry vulnerable to cyber threats. What can downstream companies do to create a more secure, vigilant, and resilient enterprise? This is the third report in our oil and gas cyber security series.

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