2014 Q1 Global CFO Signals È stato salvato
2014 Q1 Global CFO Signals
Signs of a sustainable recovery?
Ask CFOs around the globe about the economic environment, and many of them will tell you that uncertainty is down, corporate prospects are up, and their risk appetite is close to ravenous.
Those are some of the takeaways from the 15 country reports in this edition of Global CFO Signals. Little wonder that finance executives worldwide are reporting sustained – and in some cases, increasing – optimism.
“Many of the factors that previously drove uncertainty— such as the budget issues in the U.S. and the eurozone crisis—are all gone for now,” notes Ira Kalish, Chief Global Economist for Deloitte. “And many of the current drivers—such as the Russian situation—just do not have the same economic impact.”
To learn more, download the 2014 Q1 Global CFO Signals report.