Deloitte Legal Contacts - Europe, Middle east and Africa (EMEA)


Deloitte Legal Contacts - Europe, Middle east and Africa (EMEA)

Azerbaijan contacts - By Business Solutions

Vugar Mammadov
Work: +99 41 2598 2970
Ext: 4315
Mobile: +99 45 0283 8248
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Azerbaijan legal contact  

Office Location(s): Baku
Nuran Kerimov
Work:+994 12 598 2970
Address:96 Nizami St., Business Center
"Landmark III", 8th Floor,
AZ1010, Azerbaijan,

Belgium contacts - By Business Solutions

Danny Stas
Work: +32 28 00 7011
Fax: +32 28 007 001
Mobile: +32 47 654 8902
Hilde Laga
Corporate and M&A Solutions
Work: +32 056 59 43 38
Mobile: +32 047 732 3636
David Roelens
Work: +32 28 007 132
Fax: +32 28 007 001
Mobile: +32 49 623 9982
Tim Baart
Work: +32 32 424 222
Fax: +32 32 424 221
Mobile: +32 49 751 5480
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Jürgen Egger
Work: +32 28 007 053
Fax: +32 28 007 001
Mobile: +32 47 625 9182
Commercial Law
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Fraud and white collar crime
Renaat Van den Eeckhaut
Work: +32 28 007 052
Fax: +32 28 007 003
Mobile: +32 49 759 3816
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
Kathleen De Hornois
Work: +32 28 007 060
Fax: +32 28 007 001
Werner Van Lembergen
Work: +32 28 007 033
Fax: +32 28 007 001
Mobile: +32 47 888 1049
Regulated Industries
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Annick Visschers
Work: +32 28 007 080
Fax: +32 28 007 001
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Dispute resolution
  • Tax litigation

Belgium legal contact

Office Location(s): Antwerpen
Jürgen Egger
Work:+32 02 800 70 53
Mobile:+32 04 762 591 82
Address:Lange Lozanastraat 270
2018, Antwerpen
Office Location(s): Diegem
Danny Stas
Work:+32 02 800 70 11
Mobile:+32 04 765 48 902
Address:Berkenlaan 8a
1831, Diegem
Office Location(s): Kortrijk
Hilde Laga
Work:+32 056 59 43 38
Mobile:+32 047 73 236 36
Address:President Kennedypark 8a/0001
8500 Kortrijk

Bulgaria contacts - By Business Solutions

Ekaterina Souleva
Work: +35 92 802 3231
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • Labor law issues in restructuring
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Bulgaria legal contact

Office Location(s): Sofia
Stamen Yanev
Work:+359 (2) 8023 273
Fax:+359 (2) 8023 350
Mobile:+359 89 6025059
Address:103, Al. Stambolijski Blvd
1303 Sofia

Croatia contacts - By Business Solutions

Sonja Ifković
Work: +38 50 1235 1915
Mobile: +38 50 09 1353 5091
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vender due diligence
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Unfair competition
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Data privacy
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings

Croatia legal contact

Office Location(s): Zagreb
Sonja Ifković
Work:+385 1 2351 915
Mobile:+385 91 3535 091
Address:Radnička cesta 80, 10000
Zagreb, Croatia
Tatjana Orešković Trcin
Work:+385 12 351 993
Mobile:+358 91 4140 091
Address:Radnička cesta 80, 10000
Zagreb, Croatia

Cyprus contacts - By Business Solutions

Pieris Markou
Work: +35 72 236 0607
Fax: +35 72 236 0400
Direct Fax: +35 72 236 0707
Mobile: +35 79 963 5711
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
  • Tax controversy lifecycle management
  • Dispute resolution

Cyprus legal contact

Office Location(s): Nicosia
Pieris Markou
Work:+357 22 360 607
Address:24 Spyrou Kyprianou Avenue,
CY 1075, Nicosia, Cyprus
Office Location(s): Limassol
Antonis Taliotis
Work:+357 25 868 820
Address:Maximos Plaza, Tower 1, 3rd Fl,
213 Arch. Makariou III Avenue,
CY 3030 Limassol, Cyprus

Czech Republic contacts - By Business Solutions

Vladimir Ambruz
Work: +42 02 4604 2930
Jan Spacil
Work: +42 02 4604 2991
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Vladimir Ambruz
Work: +42 02 4604 2930
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Fraud and white collar crime
  • ICT services
Jan Prochazka
Work: +42 02 4604 2913
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • Labor law issues in restructuring
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
  • Pensions and benefits
  • Estates and trusts
Jiri Markvart
Work: +42 02 4604 2950
Katerina Poddana
Work: +42 02 4604 2911
Martin Bohuslav
Work: +42 02 4604 3159
Radek Bursik
Work: +42 02 4604 2847
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Czech Republic legal contact

Office Location(s): Brno
Ambruz & Dark/Deloitte Legal
Martin Bohuslav
Work:+420 246 043159
Fax:+420 246 043 555
Address:Spielberk Office Centre
Holandská 1
639 00 Brno
Česká republika
Office Location(s): Ostrava
Ambruz & Dark/Deloitte Legal
Martin Bohuslav
Work:+420 24 6043159
Fax:+420 246 043 555
Address:Stodolní 1
702 00 Ostrava
Česká republika
Office Location(s): Prague
Ambruz & Dark/Deloitte Legal
Vladimir Ambruz
Work:+420 246 042 100
Fax:+420 246 042 030
Address:Nile House
Karolinská 654/2
18600 Praha 8
Česká republika

Denmark contacts - By Business Solutions

Martin Rothe
Work: +45 30 935 895
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Martin Rothe
Work: +45 30 935 895
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Lone Kjeldgaard Nielsen
Work: +45 30 936 554
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law

Denmark legal contact

Office Location(s): Copenhagen
Martin Rothe
Work:+45 30 93 5895
Address:Weidekampsgade 6
Postboks 1600
København C
0900, Denmark

Estonia contacts - By Business Solutions

Mait Riikjarv
Work: +37 26 406 500
Fax: +37 26 406 503
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting

Estonia legal contact

Office Location(s): Tallinn
Mait Riikjarv
Work:+372 64 06 524
Address:Roosikrantsi 2
Tallinn, 10119

Finland contacts - By Business Solutions

Fredrik Lassenius
Work: +35 80 4076 98221
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Peter Bergstrom
Work: +35 80 4076 98216
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Toni Oras
Work: +35 80 4053 39671
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with workers' representative bodies
  • Labour law issues in restructuring
Peter Bergstrom
Work: +35 80 4076 98216
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Toni Oras
Work: +35 80 4053 39671
Other offerings
  • Program/service assurance services
  • ICT services

Finland legal contact

Office Location(s): Helsinki
Fredrik Lassenius
Work:+358 020 755 5463
Mobile:+358 040 769 8221
Address:Deloitte & Touche Oy
Porkkalankatu 24,
00181 Helsinki, Finland

France contacts - By Business Solutions

Jean Victor Prevost
Work: +33 1 40 88 29 63
Mobile: +33 6 07 89 58 45
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
  • Tax controversy lifecycle management
  • Dispute resolution
Stephanie Chatelon
Work: +33 15 561 6522
Mobile: +33 60 782 9277
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Muriel Feraud
Work: +33 15 561 5372
Mobile: +33 68 506 8540
Frederic Gosme
Work: +33 47 243 4727
Mobile: +33 63 092 8422
Stephanie Chatelon
Work: +33 15 561 6522
Mobile: +33 60 782 9277
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance Litigation (Other than tax)
Veronique Childs
Work: +33 15 561 6624
Mobile: +33 68 557 4264
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • National and international social security
  • Labor law issues relating to restructuring
Muriel Feraud
Work: +33 15 561 5372
Mobile: +33 68 506 8540
Eric De Fenoyl
Work: +33 49 159 6130
Mobile: +33 67 153 8501
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

France legal contact  

Office Location(s): Bordeaux
Hubert Biard
Work:+33 05 57 19 51 03
Mobile:+33 06 32 84 61 51
Address:Taj, Société d'Avocats
19, boulevard Alfred Daney
BP 80105
33041 Bordeaux Cedex
Office Location(s): Marseille
Michelle Muller Gaillot
Work:+33 04 91 59 84 71
Mobile:+33 06 80 48 58 05
Address:Taj, Société d'Avocats
10, place de la Joliette
Les Docks Atrium 10.4
BP 62544
13567 Marseille Cedex 02
Office Location(s): Lyons
Antoine Larcena
Work:+33 04 72 43 39 73
Mobile:+33 06 19 68 32 53
Address:Taj, Société d'Avocats
"Park Avenue"
81, Bd de Stalingrad
BP 41262
69608 Villeurbanne cedex
Office Location(s): Neuilly
Véronique Child
Work:+33 01 55 61 66 24
Mobile:+33 06 85 57 42 64
Address:Taj, Société d'Avocats
181, avenue Charles de Gaulle
92524 Neuilly sur Seine Cedex

Gabon contacts - By Business Solutions

Madeleine Berre
Work: +241 01 72 32 31
+241 01 77 28 34
Mobile: +241 07 51 44 69
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Yves Madre
Work: +241 01 72 32 31
+241 01 77 21 42
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance Litigation (Other than tax)
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • National and international social security
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Sectors: oil and gas, mining, commercial, distribution, public sector

Gabon legal contact

Office Location(s): Libreville
Madeleine Berre
Work:+241 01 72 32 31
Mobile:+241 07 51 44 69
Address:Immeuble 2 AG
PB 4660
Libreville, Gabon

Georgia contacts - By Business Solutions

George Svanadje
Work: +99 53 224 4566
Fax: +99 53 224 4569
Giorgi Tavartkiladze
Work: +995 32 224 4566
Ext: 19
Fax: +995 32 224 4569
Mobile: +995 59 950 6050
  • Commercial Law
  • Corporate and M&A
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Employment Law
  • Tax dispute resolution

Georgia legal contact

Office Location(s): Tbilisi
George Svanadze
Work:+995 32 24 45 66
Mobile:+995 99 33 75 09
Address:36A Lado Asatiani St.
Tbilisi, 0105, Georgia

Germany contacts - By Business Solutions

Anreas Karpenstein
Work: +49 21 1877 22473
Fax: +49 21 1877 22537
Mobile: +49 17 2786 8707
Michael von Rueden
Work: +49 21 1877 23627
Fax: +49 21 1877 22537
Mobile: +49 16 3254 6782
Harald Stang
Work: +49 511 3075 5944
Fax: +49 511 3075 5950
Mobile: +49 172 8363 307
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • IPOs, public takeovers, squeeze outs
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Andreas Leclaire
Work: +49 211 8772 3805
Fax: +49 211 8772 3822
Mobile: +49 152 0931 0931
Torsten Bloch
Work: +49 302 5468 124
Fax: +49 302 5468 136
Mobile: +49 172 8262 449
Felix Skala
Work: +49 403 785 3829
Fax: +49 403 785 3811
Mobile: +49 152 0931 0564
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • IT law, data protection
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
Klaus Heeke
Work: +49 211 8772 3447
Fax: +49 211 8772 2659
Mobile: +49 173 2972 684
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • National and international social security
Christoph Stumpf
Work: +49 40 378 3837
Fax: +49 40 378 53811
Mobile: +49 17 285 39467
Peter Maser
Work: +49 711 669 6270
Fax: +49 711 669 6262
Mobile: +49 172 762 5170
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Germany legal contact

Office Location(s): Berlin
Torsten Bloch
Work:+49 30 254 68 04
Fax:+49 30 254 68 136
Address:Kürfürstendamm 23
10719 Berlin
Office Location(s): Duesseldorf
Andreas Karpenstein
Work:+49 211 8772 04
Fax:+49 211 8772 2537
Address:Schwannstrasse 6
40476 Düsseldorf
Office Location(s): Frankfurt
Frank Becker
Work:+49 69 7191 884 0
Fax:+49 69 7191 884 4
Address:Franklinstrasse 48
60486 Frankfurt am Main
Office Location(s): Hamburg
Dr. Matthias Mielke
Work:+49 40 378 538 0
Fax:+49 40 378 538 11
Address:Dammtorstrasse 12
20354 Hamburg
Office Location(s): Hannover
Dr. Harald Stang
Work:+49 511 307 559 3
Fax:+49 511 307 559 50
Address:Georgstrasse 52
30159 Hannover
Office Location(s): Muenchen
Dr. Boris Schilmar
Work:+49 89 2903 689 01
Fax:+49 89 2903 689 11
Address:Rosenheimer Platz 6
81669 München
Office Location(s): Stuttgart
Dr. Peter Maser
Work:+49 711 669 62 0
Fax:+49 711 669 62 62
Address:Löffelstrasse 42
70597 Stuttgart

Hungary contacts - By Business Solutions

Attila Kovesdy
Work: +36 14 286 728
Fax: +36 14 286 801
Mobile: +36 20 591 0605
Julia Szarvas
Work: +36 14 286 465
Fax: +36 14 286 801
Mobile: +36 30 350 7326
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Hungary legal contact

Office Location(s): Budapest
ttila Kovesdy
Work:+36 1 428 6728
Mobile:+36 20 591 0605
Address:Dozsa Gyorgy ut 84/C
Budapest, H 1068

Iceland contacts - By Business Solutions

Vala Valtysdottir
Work: +35 45 803 036
Mobile: +35 48 603 036
Holmfridur Kristjansdottir
Work: +354 580 3097
Mobile: +354 698 0060
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
  • Corporate governance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Fraud and white collar crime
  • Forensic and recovery
  • BIS
Employment Law Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationship with workers representative bodies
  • Labor law issues in restructuring
  • National and International social security law
  • Pensions and benefits
  • Mobility and immigration
  • Estates and trusts
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
  • Tax controversy lifecycle management
  • Dispute resolution
  • Representation in district and supreme court as well as before tax authorities

Iceland legal contact

Office Location(s): Reykjavik
Holmfridur Kristjansdottir
Work:+354 580 3097
Mobile:+354 698 0060
Address:Smaratorg 3
201, Iceland
Gudrun Bergsteinsdottir
Work:+354 527 9707
Mobile:+354 824 9707
Address:Smaratorg 3
201, Iceland

Ireland contacts - By Business Solutions

Joanne Whelan
Work: +35 314 172 463
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Patrick Cosgrave
Work: +35 31 417 2422
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Pensions and Benefits
  • Estates and Trusts
Joanne Whelan
Work: +35 31 417 2463
Estates and Trusts
  • Drafting of wills & trusts
  • Advice in respect of domestic and offshore structuring of trusts
  • Succession planning including the implementation of coroporate governance structures and family constitutions
Colm McDonnell
Work: +35 31 417 2348
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Ireland legal contact

Office Location(s): Dublin
Joanne Whelan
Work:+35 314 172 463
Address:Deloitte & Touche House,
29 Earlsfort Terrace,
Dublin 2.
01 4172463
Office Location(s): Limerick 
Mary Shier
Work:+35 361 438 595
Address:Deloitte & Touche House,
Charlotte Quay,
061 435541

Italy contacts - By Business Solutions

Antonella Alfonsi
Work: +39 028 332 4501
Mobile: +39 335 563 8184
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Massimo Zamorani
Work: +39 049 792 7912
Mobile: +39 335 135 0782
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Pietro Venerando
Work: +39 028 332 4522
Mobile: +39 335 745 4270
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with representative bodies
  • National and international social security
Josephine Romano
Work: +39 028 332 4519
Mobile: +39 335 698 8757
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Italy legal contact

Office Location(s): Milano
Antonella Alfonsi
Work:+39 02 833 24505
Mobile:+39 33 556 38184
Address:Via Tortona 25
20144 Milano, Italy
Office Location(s): Padova
Massimo Zamorani
Work:+39 049 792 7966
Mobile:+39 335 1350 782
Address:Via Longhin 103
35129 Padova, Italy
Office Location(s): Roma
Francesco Brunelli
Work:+39 06 48 297 811
Mobile:+39 348 8898 431
Address:Via Giambattista Vico n. 9
00196 Roma, Italy


Latvia contacts - By Business Solutions

Ilze Znotina
Work: +37 16 707 4159,
+37 12 910 9866
Gints Pucens
Work: +37 16 707 4187,
+37 12 912 8991
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Helmuts Jauja
Work: +37 16 707 4121,
+37 12 651 4441
Zane Zagere
Work: +37 16 707 4190,
+37 12 925 3357
Ilze Znotina
Work: +37 16 707 4159,
+37 12 910 9866
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Svetlana Tumanska
Work: +37 16 707 4190,
+37 12 671 2718
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security
  • Pensions & benefits and estates & trusts
Ilze Znotina
Partner Associate
Work: +37 16 707 4159,
+37 12 910 9866
Jãnis Geks
Work: +37 16 707 4175,
+37 12 944 8689
Other services
  • Environmental law
  • IP law, Litigation & ADR

Latvia legal contact

Office Location(s): Riga
Ilze Znotina
Work:+371 6 707 4159
Mobile:+371 2 910 9866
Address:Gredu iela 4a
Riga, LV 1019

Lithuania contacts - By Business Solutions

Tomas Davidonis
Work: +37 05 255 3075
Fax: +37 05 212 6844
Mobile: +37 06 868 9558
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Fraud and white collar crime
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Labor law issues in restructuring
  • Pensions and benefits
  • Estates and trusts
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
  • Tax controversy lifecycle management
  • Dispute resolution

Lithuania legal contact

Office Location(s): Vilnius
Tomas Davidonis
Work:+370 5 255 3075
Mobile:+370 6 868 9558
Address:Jogailos st. 4,
Vilnius, LT 01116

Luxembourg* contacts - By Business Solutions

Jean-Philippe Drescher
Work: +352 27047 7123
Mobile: +352 62149 2495
* Services provided by an independent firm
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Mobility & Immigration
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Luxembourg legal contact

Office Location(s): Luxembourg
Jean-Philippe Drescher
Work:+352 270 477 123
Mobile:+352 621 492 495
Address:Findel Business Center
Complexe B, Building C2
Route de Trèves,
L-2632 Findel, Luxembourg

Morocco contacts - By Business Solutions

Ahmed Benabdelkhalek
Work: +2125 2222 4734
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law

Morocco legal contact

Office Location(s): Casablanca
Ahmed Benabdelkhalek
Work:+2125 2222 4734
Address:288 Bd Zerktouni
20100, Morocco

Norway contacts - By Business Solutions

Anne Helsingeng
Work: +47 23 279 619
Mobile: +47 92 482 260
Odd Erik Johansen
Work: +47 23 279 833
Mobile: +47 48 242 089
Joakim Marstrander
Work: +47 48 126 326,
+47 23 279 834
Mobile: +47 48 126 326
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Thorvald Nyquist
Work: +47 23 27 9663
Mobile: +47 95 75 3141
Anne Helsingeng
Work: +47 23 27 9619
Mobile: +47 92 48 2260
Geir Melby
Work: +47 51 81 5641
Mobile: +47 91 36 4186
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Fraud and white collar crime
  • Estates and trusts
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
Gro F. Helvik
Work: +47 23 27 9628
Mobile: +47 97 14 9676
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationship with workers representative bodies
  • Labor law issues in restructuring
  • National and international social security law
  • Pensions and benefits
  • Mobility and immigration
Odd Erik Johansen
Work: +47 23 2798
Mobile: +47 48 24 2089
Geir Melby
Work: +47 51 81 5641
Mobile: +47 91 36 4186
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Norway legal contact

Office Location(s): Bergen
Haavard Tangen
Work:+47 905 47 455
Address:Damsgårdsveien 135,
P.O. Box 6013 Postterminalen
5892 Bergen
Office Location(s): Drammen
Eivind Thorstad
Work:+47 908 08 606
Address:Dronninggata 15, 2013 Strømsø
3003 Drammen
Office Location(s): Haugesund
Roy Arne Eike
Work:+47 926 30 398
Address:Sundgaten 119
5527 Haugesund
Office Location(s): Kristiansand
Svein Aage Larsen
Work:+47 975 26 627
Address:Stadionveien 21
Inngang 7
4632 Kristiansand
Office Location(s): Oslo
Anne Helsingeng
Work:+47 924 82 260
Address:Karenslyst Allé 20, 347 Skøyen
0213 Oslo
Office Location(s): Stavanger
Geir Melby
Work:+47 913 64 186
Address:Strandsvingen 14 A, 287 Forus
4066 Stavanger
Office Location(s): Tønsberg
Bjørn Olav Johansen
Work:+47 913 557 45
Address:Rambergveien 1, 24
3119 Tønsberg
Office Location(s): Trondheim
Jonny Rabben
Work:+47 908 53 621
Address:Dyre Halsesgt 1A,
P.O. Box 5670 Sluppen
7485 Trondheim

Poland contacts - By Business Solutions

Robert Pasternak
Work: +48 22 511 0844
Fax: +48 22 511 0813
Mobile: +48 60 194 4052
Joanna Dudek
Work: +48 22 511 0095
Fax: +48 22 511 0813
Mobile: +48 60 560 1489
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Mariusz šron
Work: +48 61 882 4220
Fax: +48 61 882 4201
Mobile: +48 60 031 8395
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Robert Pasternak
Work: +48 22 511 0844
Fax: +48 22 511 0813
Mobile: +48 60 194 4052
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
Zbigniew Korba
Work: +48 22 348 3556
Fax: +48 22 511 0813
Mobile: +48 50 002 1990
Edyta Garlicka
Work: +48 12 622 4331
Fax: +48 12 622 4383
Mobile: +48 69 198 0974
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Poland legal contact

Office Location(s): Katowice
Edyta Garlicka
Work:+48 32 603 03 51
Address:ul. Uniwersytecka 13
40 007 Katowice
Office Location(s): Krakow
Edyta Garlicka
Work:+48 12 622 43 80
Mobile:+48 12 622 43 31
Address:ul. Uniwersytecka 13
40 007 Katowice
Office Location(s): Lodz
Mariusz Śron
Work:+48 42 290 61 00
Address:al. Józefa Piłsudskiego 76
90 330 Łódź
Office Location(s): Poznan
Mariusz Śron
Work:+48 61 882 42 00
Mobile:+48 61 882 42 20
Address:ul. Ułańska 7
60 748 Poznań
Office Location(s): Warsaw
Robert Pasternak
Work:+48 22 511 08 11
Mobile:+48 22 511 08 44
Address:al. Jana Pawła II 19
00 854 Warszawa
Zbigniew Korba
Work:+48 22 511 08 11
Mobile:+48 22 348 35 56
Address:al. Jana Pawła II 19
00 854 Warszawa
Office Location(s): Wroclaw
Konstanty Dobiejewski
Work:+48 71 335 45 00
Mobile:+48 71 335 45 21
Address:Plac Grunwaldzki 23
Grunwaldzki Center, budynek „A”
50 365 Wrocław
Anna Ostrowska – Tomańska
Work:+48 71 335 45 00
Mobile:+48 71 335 45 22
Address:Plac Grunwaldzki 23
Grunwaldzki Center, budynek „A”
50 365 Wrocław

Romania contacts - By Business Solutions

Alexandru Reff
Work: +40 21 207 5248
Fax: +40 21 222 1660
Mobile: +40 72 238 1814
Andrei Burz-Pinzaru
Work: +40 21 207 5205
Fax: +40 21 222 1660
Mobile: +40 72 832 9928
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Commercial litigation
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
  • Tax controversy lifecycle management
  • Dispute resolution

Romania legal contact

Office Location(s): Romania
Andrei Burz Pinzaru
Work:+40 21 2075 205
Mobile:+40 728 328 928
Address:4-8 Nicolae Titulescu Road,
3rd floor, Sector 1
Bucharest, 011141

Russian Federation contacts - By Business Solutions

Raisa Alexakhina
Work: +74 95 787 0600
Ext: 2950
Mobile: +79 85 787 6227
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition and disposal
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Communication with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
Financial Law Solutions
  • IPO legal support
  • Securitization services
  • Debt capital market transactions
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
  • Tax dispute resolution

Russian Federation legal contact

Office Location(s): Moscow
Raisa Alexakhina
Work:+7 495 580 97 59
Address:5 Lesnaya St., Bldg. B,
Business Center "White Square",
Moscow, 125047
Office Location(s): St. Petersburg
Roman Tarasov
Work:+7 812 703 7106
Address:"Gustaf" Business Center,
Lit. K, 36/40 Sredniy Prospect,
St. Petersburg, 199004
Office Location(s): Yuzhno Sakhalinsk (Sakhalin)
Evgeny Kuzmenko
Work:+7 4242 46 30 55
Address:78 Chekhova St.,
Business Center "Sfera",
Yuzhno Sakhalinsk, 693008

Serbia contacts - By Business Solutions

Srdjan Petrovic
Work: +381 11 381 2222
Fax: +381 11 381 2112
Mobile: +381 65 287 7490
Djordje Igric
Work: +381 11 3812 153
Mobile: +381 65 222 89 69
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Boris Baklaja
Work: +381 11 3812 153
Mobile: +381 65 222 89 68
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Djordje Igric
Work: +381 11 3812 153
Mobile: +381 65 222 89 69
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
Boris Baklaja
Work: +381 11 3812 153
Mobile: +381 65 222 89 68
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
Srdjan Petrovic
Work: +381 11 381 2222
Fax: +381 11 381 2112
Mobile: +381 65 287 7490
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
  • Tax controversy lifecycle management
  • Dispute resolution
Djordje Igric
Work: +381 11 3812 153
Mobile: +381 65 222 89 69
Boris Baklaja
Work: +381 11 3812 153
Mobile: +381 65 222 89 68
Other offerings
  • Energy Law
  • Finance and Banking
  • Personal data protection
  • Public Procurement

Serbia legal contact

Office Location(s): Belgrade
Boris Baklaja
Work:+381 11 3812 152
Mobile:+381 65 222 89 68
Address:Terazije 8
Belgrade, 11000
Djodje Igric
Work:+381 11 3812 153
Mobile:+381 65 222 89 69
Address:Terazije 8
Belgrade, 11000


Slovenia contacts - By Business Solutions

Samo Herič
Work: +38 60 1307 2830
Fax: +38 60 1307 2900
Mobile: +38 60 4174 1074
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including protection and defense, but not registration
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Fraud and white collar crime
Employment Law Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationship with workers representative bodies
  • Labor law Issues in restructuring
  • National Social security law
  • Pensions and benefits
  • Mobility and immigration
  • Estates and trusts
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
  • Tax controversy lifecycle management
  • Dispute resolution

Slovenia legal contact

Office Location(s): Ljubljana
Samo Heric
Work:+38 613 07 2830
Mobile:+38 641 74 1074
Address:Dunajska cesta 165
SI 1000 Ljubljana

Slovakia contacts - By Business Solutions

Miroslava Grestiakova Terem
Work: +42 12 582 49341
Fax: +42 12 582 49222
Mobile: +42 19 036 30823
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Corporate governance
  • M&A services, and transactions
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law

Slovakia legal contact

Office Location(s): Bratislava
Miroslava Terem Grestiakova
Work:+421 903 630 823
Mobile:+421 903 630 823
Address:Deloitte Legal, s.r.o.
Einsteinova 23, Digital Park II,
Bratislava, 851 01
Slovak Republic

South Africa contacts - By Business Solutions

Dean Aubrey Chivers
Work: +27 118 06 5159
Mobile: +27 824 15 8253
Corporate & M&A Solutions
  • Due diligence
  • Transaction contracting
Dean Aubrey Chivers
Work: +27 118 06 5159
Mobile: +27 824 15 8253
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Restructuring
  • Company secretarial
  • Contracting
Christoffel J Kotze
Work: +27 118 06 5389
Mobile: +27 834 08 6730
Employment Law Solutions
  • Employment contracts and policies
  • Structuring
  • Dispute resolution
Candice Holland
Work: +27 112 09 8598
Mobile: +27 823 30 5091
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Data privacy
Trevor Rogers
Work: +27 11 806 5319
Mobile: +27 82 568 1144
Daniella Kafouris
Work: +27 112 09 8101
Mobile: +27 725 59 0360
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax advice
  • Dispute resolution
  • Tax reviews

South Africa legal contact

Office Location(s): Cape Town
Sonia Camacho
Work:+27 829 28 5956
Address:27 Somerset Road
Cape Quarter
Green Point
Cape Town
Office Location(s): Johannesburg
Dean Chivers
Work:+27 824 15 8253
Address:Building 7, Deloitte Place,The Woodlands,
20 Woodlands Drive,
Woodmead, Sandton,
South Africa
Candice Holland
Work:+27 823 30 5091
Address:Building 7, Deloitte Place,The Woodlands,
20 Woodlands Drive,
Woodmead, Sandton,
South Africa
Office Location(s): Durban
Amanda Bandle
Work:+27 833 06 3795
Address:DTT Place, No.2 Pencarrow Crescent,
Pencarrow Park
La Lucia Ridge Office Estate
Durban Kwazulu Natal
Durban 4000
South Africa

Spain contacts - By Business Solutions

Javier Menor
Work: +34 93 230 4848
Ext: 5870
Fax: +34 93 20 0606
Mobile: +34 619 43 3829
Francisco Mayor
Work: +34 91 514 5000
Mobile: +34 67 748 1848
Javier Menor
Work: +34 93 230 4848
Ext: 5870
Mobile: +34 61 943 3829
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Jordi Maristany
Work: +34 93 230 4848
Mobile: +34 63 669 3715
Javier Menor
Work: +34 93 230 4848
Ext: 5870
Mobile: +34 61 943 3829
Silvia García
Work: +34 93 2304848
Mobile: +34 636847394
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
  • Fraud and white collar crime
Guillermo Rujas
Work: +34 915 145 000
Mobile: +34 677 481 847
David Tobía
Work: +34 93 230 4848
Mobile: +34 63 934 0804
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
  • Labour Law issues in restructuring
  • Estates and trusts
  • Pensions and benefits
Gloria Hernández
Work: +34 91 514 5000
Mobile: +34 60 099 5745
Jordi Maristany
Work: +34 93 230 4848
Mobile: +34 63 669 3715
Juan Martínez Calvo
Work: +34 91 514 5000
Mobile: +61 77 57 455
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Silvia García
Work: +34 93 230 4848
Mobile: +34 63 684 7394
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Dispute resolution
  • Litigation

Spain legal contact

Office Location(s): Alicante
José Ramon de Paramo
Work:+34 96 513 4630
Address:Av. Maisonnave, 28 bis,
3º 03003 Alicante
Office Location(s): Barcelona
Javier Menor
Work:+34 93 230 4848
Address:Avenida Diagonal, 654
Esc. C, 3ª planta
08034, Barcelona
Office Location(s): Bilbao
Sharon Izaguirre
Work:+34 94 444 7000
Address:Ercilla, 24
48011 Bilbao
Office Location(s): Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Ignacio Medina
Work:+34 92 847 2520
Address:Muelle de Las Palmas,10.
4ª Planta. Edificio Dunas San Telmo
35003 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Office Location(s): Madrid
Francisco Mayor
Work:+34 91 582 0900
Address:Torre Picasso
Plaza Pablo Ruiz Picasso nº1
28020 Madrid
Office Location(s): Palma de Mallorca
Fernando Martínez Comas
Work:+34 97 171 9227
Address:Avda. Comte de Sallent
3 07003 Palma de Mallorca
Office Location(s): Sevilla
Marta Morales
Work:+34 95 448 9300
Address:Américo Vespucio, 13
Isla de la Cartuja
41092 Sevilla
Office Location(s): Valencia
Prudencio López
Work:+34 96 307 0900
Address:Av. de Aragón, 30
Edificio Europa
46021 Valencia
Office Location(s): Vigo
Marta Costas
Work:+34 98 681 5516
Address:Av. García Barbón, 106
36201 Vigo
Office Location(s): Zaragoza
Rubén Aisa
Work:+34 97 621 4675
Address:Ed. World Trade Center
Torre Oeste Plta. 16
C/ María Zambrano, 31
50018 Zaragoza
Daniel Chóliz
Work:+34 97 621 4675
Address:Ed. World Trade Center
Torre Oeste Plta. 16
C/ María Zambrano, 31
50018 Zaragoza

Sweden contacts - By Business Solutions

Mattias Bergman
Work: +46 75 246 2104
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Mattias Bergman
Work: +46 75 246 2104
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Johan Mikaelsson
Work: +46 75 246 4243
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
Mattias Bergman
Work: +46 75 246 2104
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Dispute resolution

Sweden legal contact

Office Location(s): Malmö
Johan Mikaelsson
Work:+46 75 246 42 4
Mobile:+46 700 80 42 43
Address:Hjälmaregatan 3
Office Location(s): Stockholm
Mattias Bergman
Work:+46 752 46 21 04
Mobile:+46 76 847 21 04
Address:Rehnsgatan 11

Switzerland contacts - By Business Solutions

Reto Savoia
Work: +41 58 279 6357
Fax: +41 44 421 6600
  Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
Muriel Sella Bassoli
Work: +41 05 8279 8249
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Emanuelle Brulhart
Work: +41 05 8279 8047
Fax: +41 05 8279 8800
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
  • Pensions and benefits
  • Mobility and immigration
  • Estates and trusts
Marc Raggenbass
Work: +41 04 4421 6442
Fax: +41 04 4421 6600
Andreas Knijpenga
Work: +41 05 8279 6119
Fax: +41 04 4421 6600
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing

Switzerland legal contact

Office Location(s): Geneva
Emanuelle Brulhart
Work:+41 58 279 8047
Mobile:+41 796 550 265
Address:Route de Pre Bois 20
1215 Geneva 15
Office Location(s): Zurich
Marc Raggenbass
Work:+41 58 279 6442
Address:General Guisan Quai 38
CH 8002 Zurich

Turkey contacts - By Business Solutions

Mehmet Erdem Demirkan
Work: +90 212 366 6000
Fax: +90 212 366 6699
Corporate and M&A Solution
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Private equity and venture capital
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
Muge Kocaman Aksel
Work: +90 212 366 6000
Fax: +90 212 366 6699
Mobile: +90 530 977 0803
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • Mobility and immigration
  • National and international social security law
Lerzan NalbantoÄŸlu
Work: +90 212 366 6661
Fax: +90 533 298 6144
Mobile: +90 212 366 6699
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities

Turkey legal contact

Office Location(s): Istanbul
Lerzan Nalbantoğlu
Work:+90 212 366 6661
Mobile:+90 533 298 6144
Address:Bilim Sok. No:5 Sun Plaza Maslak,
Istanbul 34398 Turkey

Ukraine contacts - By Business Solutions

Andriy Servetnyk
Work: +38 044 490 9000
Ext: 2619
Fax: +38 044 490 9001
Mobile: +38 050 357 8749
Dmytro Pavlenko, Ph. D.
Work: +38 04 4490 9000
Ext: 4647
Fax: +38 04 4490 9001
Mobile: +38 05 0464 8146
Corporate and M&A Solutions
  • Acquisitions, divestures and joint-ventures
  • Legal purchaser and vendor due diligence
  • Corporate reorganizations
  • National and cross-border mergers
  • Shareholder agreements
  • Family protocols
  • Post-merger integration activities and legal entity reduction
  • Corporate law
  • Corporate compliance
Commercial Law Solutions
  • Legal and contractual framework of supply chain management and distribution networks
  • Restructuring business functions and outsourcing
  • Real estate including acquisition, disposal and portfolio management
  • Intellectual property rights including registration, protection and defense
  • Unfair competition and antitrust
  • Bankruptcy, insolvency and corporate restructuring
  • Statutory and regulatory compliance
Employment and Pension Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationships with worker representative bodies
  • National and international social security law
  • Labor compliance
Employment Law Solutions
  • Individual employment law
  • Relationship with workers representative bodies
  • Labor law issues in restructuring
  • National and International social security law
  • Pensions and benefits
  • Mobility and immigration
  • Estates and trusts
Regulated Industries Solutions
  • Regulatory requirements
  • Reorganizations and restructurings
  • Transacting with public sector entities
Tax Controversy Solutions
  • Tax audit strategy and consulting
  • Dispute resolution

Ukraine legal contact  

Office Location(s): Kyiv
Andriy Servetnyk
Work:+380 44 490 9005
Address:48 50A Zhylyanska St.
Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine
Dmytro Pavlenko
Work:+380 44 490 9005
Address:48 50A Zhylyanska St.
Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine

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Deloitte Legal means the legal practices of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited member firms or their affiliates that provide legal services.

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