
10 questions to embrace risk and lead with confidence

Whether it’s a value-destroying crisis, a shift in industry dynamics, or a brand threat, uncertainty comes in many shapes, sizes, and impacts. Leaders who view uncertainty and risk more broadly than just compliance will anticipate better, seize opportunities, and emerge stronger. From inviting in a contrarian viewpoint to wargaming, there are many ways to prepare—even if you don’t know exactly what’s around the corner.

Here are a few of the questions we explore to help you expect the unexpected:

• Who challenges the assumptions in my strategy?

• Is my risk management team giving me the confidence I need to make high-stakes decisions?

• Am I engaging our board’s expertise to navigate uncertainty?

What other questions should you be asking to lead confidently and distance yourself from the competition?


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Manage risk. Emerge more resilient.

In an uncertain and complex world, one of the biggest risks an organization can take is to do nothing. Deloitte can help you start evaluating big strategic decisions not only in terms of the risk of doing something, but also in terms of the risk of not doing anything. Consider the impact on revenue, market positioning, brand, and competitive advantage if you don't change. By applying this thinking to all big decisions, like evaluating a proposal for a new product, making an acquisition, or responding to a disruption, will transform your organization into a place where risk powers performance.

Contact one of our global leaders for more information:

Henry Ristuccia
Global Strategic & Reputation Risk Leader
+1 212 436 4244

Mike Kearney
Global Strategic Risk Leader
+1 415 783 4461

Philip Chong
Executive Director, Risk Advisory
Deloitte Southeast Asia
+65 6216 3113

Kevin McGovern
Partner, Deloitte Advisory
Deloitte US
+1 617 437 2371

Marc Van Caeneghem
Partner, Risk Advisory
Deloitte France
+33 1 55 61 65 88

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