
Digital media trends survey 2018: global executive summary

A multi-generational view of consumer technology, media and telecommunications trends

With the proliferation of mobile devices, wireless connectivity, and alternative digital media platforms, consumers today enjoy unparalleled freedom when it comes to selecting media and entertainment options. Our global Digital media trends survey provides insight into how five generations of consumers from seven countries are interacting with media, digital products and services, mobile technologies, and the internet. It also captures consumers’ attitudes and behaviors towards advertising and social networks.

The 2018 edition of the global Digital media trends survey compares data gathered from age groups spanning generation Z, millennials, generation X, baby boomers, and matures from Brazil, China, France, Germany, Japan, UK, and US. It uncovers key insights that illustrate major shifts in media consumption:

  • Consumers continue to prefer live broadcast TV over any other source
  • The Chinese urban population may be the most digitally connected
  • Multitasking behaviors among digital media consumers continue, spelling implications for advertisers
  • Artificial intelligence and cognitive technologies will improve the relevance and timing of online advertisements
  • Financial technologies may help publishers enhance online profitability

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