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Asia Soaring with APJ Game-Changers

IoT Soaring in Asia: Hollow Hype or Tangible Trend?

Date: March 21, 2018 

The buzz: “The Internet of Things may be mostly nascent in Asia-Pacific, but the growth potential is meteoric for Asia IoT” ( With 8.6+ billion things connected via IoT and a US$583B market opportunity by 2020 (IDC), businesses are cashing in with diverse applications: connected cars, smart energy management, healthcare, predictive maintenance, home automation. Our new series explores the impact of technology in APJ. The experts speak. Featuring Gaurav Goel, Deloitte.

Changing the Game with HR

Digitalization and HR: Who's Leading The Transformation?

June 27, 2018

The buzz: “If HR wants to continue to play a critical role in helping businesses anticipate and manage organizational change, it must have technology at its core” (Meghan M. Biro). We’ve been hearing about digitalization in the workplace for so long that it’s buzzword-worthy. And most of us know that it involves process-automating technology reshaping the modern human resources practice. But beyond this, what does it mean to truly “digitalize” HR and to give your workforce the tools they need to drive true business transformation? The experts speak. Featuring Kristin Starodub, Deloitte Consulting LLP.

HR: Get Ready for the Agile Workforce! 

August 10, 2017

The buzz: Nearly 11% of the workforce is made up of full-time agile workers…39% of ‘permanent’ non-agile workers said they are likely to take a positon in the future in that category.” (Randstad Workplace 2025 report). While HR technology is helping companies model new workplace design and workforce fit scenarios, they may be failing to analyze roles that require permanent vs. contingent staff, i.e., freelancers, contractors, and temporary workers. Is your HR organization reviewing and reconsidering the status quo in time to prepare to welcome and embrace the agile workforce? The experts speak. Featuring Don Miller, Deloitte Consulting LLP. 

Changing the Game in Life Sciences

Blockchain Meets Life Sciences: Now What?

November 2, 2017

The buzz: “According to Deloitte, the healthcare industry is planning the most aggressive deployments of blockchain, with 35 percent of health and life sciences planning to deploy by 2018” (Vala Afshar). Life Sciences organizations globally are exploring how Blockchain technology could disrupt traditional business models and processes with a platform of “truth” for how enterprises work with each other. And as IoT, mobile and Big Data mature, they are enabling industry stakeholders to stay connected real-time. How will the next level of disruptive Digital Innovation impact the Health Sciences value chain? The experts speak. Featuring Deloitte Consulting LLP. 

How the Digital Economy Is Changing Life Sciences

September 21, 2017 

The buzz: “Imagine knowing whether your DNA encodes a risk for migraines even before a headache strikes” (Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine). The Life Sciences industry is experiencing unparalleled market and business changes due to breakthrough technologies like Connected Health, Personalized Medicine, Health Wearables, AI, IoT, Machine Learning, Augmented Reality. Prognosis for companies that don’t innovate and adapt soon: poor business health. The experts speak. Featuring Hussain Mooraj, Deloitte Consulting LLP. 

Changing the Game in Consumer Industries

Life Sciences Innovations: Trends to Watch in 2018

February 22, 2018

The buzz: “This is a new era of medicine… For the first time we can digitize humans” (Eric Topol, MD, Reality check for healthcare providers, payers, and producers: You need to reduce costs, improve patient safety and care quality, and gain market share. But where to turn? New technologies such as Blockchain, Connected Health, Personalized Medicine, Health Wearables, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. So many options. What to do first? The experts speak. Featuring Jack Schmidt, Deloitte Consulting LLP.

Game Changers with Purpose Date

Technology with Purpose: Priming the Humanitarian Pump

Date: March 20, 2018

“In a sea of human beings, it is difficult, at times even impossible, to see the human as being” (Aysha Taryam). Humanitarian challenge: help refugees find meaningful work and businesses find skilled workers. Sustainable solutions: Deloitte collaborated with the Refugee Studies Centre (University of Oxford) on a research report "Talent Displaced: the economic lives of Syrian refugees in Europe" and with SAP to develop and pilot the FuturesHub technology platform. SAP’s Engaging for Refugees program offered refugees internship opportunities in software development, design, programming. The experts speak. Featuring Jacques Buith, Deloitte.

Coffee Break with Game Changers

Game-Changers Crystal Ball 2018 Predictions - Part 5

January 17, 2018

The buzz: If your #1 business wish is to know what 2018 holds for your company, your industry and the world, we’ve got the next best thing. Our five-part 2018 Predictions Special brings you 75 thought leaders’ insights into the technologies, strategies, and trends that can help you and your business grow and compete better in 2018 and beyond. Featuring Jeroen Kusters, Deloitte Consulting LLP.

Game-Changers Crystal Ball 2018 Predictions - Part 3

January 3, 2018

The buzz: Welcome to 2018! If your #1 business wish is to know what 2018 holds for your company, industry and the world, we’ve got the next best thing. We’re bringing you predictions from 70 thought leaders on the technologies, strategies, and trends that can help you grow and compete in 2018 and beyond. Featuring Thiagu Bala, Deloitte Consulting LLP.

Next Wave of Tech at Work: Is Human-Centric AI Possible?

October 25, 2017 

The buzz: “CHROs using artificial intelligence in the workplace…to transform recruiting, HR service centers, and learning and development? I believe the answer is yes” (J. Meister). As AI moves from ideation to reality, businesses face a challenge: how to use AI systems to help human employees be more productive and happier, rather than to replace them. Good news: The new digital workforce has room for both. Ready to integrate this next AI wave into your processes? The experts speak. Darwin Deano, Deloitte Consulting LLP. 

Redefining Innovation to the Power of D: Multiple Layers of Diversity

October 11, 2017 

The buzz: “New research provides compelling evidence that diversity unlocks innovation and drives market growth” ( With the commoditization of technology, your company may have focused on improving efficiencies. But if you used a cookie-cutter approach to reshape business processes, organizational models, data and architecture, you may have an unwelcome by-product: the inability to innovate. How to fix? Build-in diversity at every level–systems, data, processes, ecosystems, people and skills across your entire organization. The experts speak. Featuring Darwin Deano, Deloitte Consulting LLP. 

Financial Excellence

The Heart of Intelligent Finance: Share and Share Alike?

June 19, 2018

The buzz: “Financial shared services have come a long way since they started gaining popularity in the 1990s” (Jim Buchanan). Finance efficiencies and transparency are crucial for distributed enterprises today. How to design more intelligent Finance processes? Standardize processes throughout the organization, centralize at a few locations and build a foundation for new technologies. The experts speak. Featuring Arjun Krishnamurthy, Deloitte Consulting LLP.

Optimizing Working Capital: Cashing-In for Your Bottom Line

March 20, 2018 

The buzz: “Working capital optimization is increasingly on boards’ radar as they look for opportunities to enhance shareholder value” (Rich Rorem). Responsibility for managing inventory, payables, receivables, and cash is spread unevenly across finance, operations, supply chain, marketing and sales, procurement. Your CFO needs to think holistically about working capital optimization across the full value chain to make it part of the organization’s daily operations. How? Automation and artificial intelligence enable the CFO to guide all operational units. The experts speak. Featuring Denise McGuigan, Deloitte Consulting LLP.

Real-time Close: Oxymoron or True Value?

October 31, 2017 

The buzz: “Unfortunately, financial information is a decaying asset. The longer it takes to prepare the statements the less valuable the information becomes” (Steve Rosvold). Financial reports are required to meet statutory and management mandates. Traditional “hard close” reports could only be produced after the end of the period. Good news: Technology now lets your Finance department run a financial consolidation on real-time transactional data. Or maybe it’s not good news. Our panel will debate the value of mid-month reporting. The experts speak. Featuring Sam Parikh, Deloitte Consulting LLP. 

Dynamic and Agile Planning: The Impact of Real Time Actuals

September 19, 2017 

The buzz: “CFOs need to be able to evaluate and prepare for the impact political, economic and societal events may have on their organization…take on a more strategic role in planning” (Thack Brown, SAP). Yes. It’s time for the Office of Finance function to morph from scheduled guidance based on past results to a trusted business guide into the future. How? Digital transformation now gives CFOs instant access to a real-time snapshot of fiscal health and enables them to help business leaders understand how to use immediate access to financial data. Is your CFO there yet? The experts speak. Featuring Thiagu Bala, Deloitte Consulting LLP. 

The Future of Cars

LIVE at SAPs Best Practices Automotive 2017

September 20, 2017 

The buzz: As the automotive industry continues to experience disruption at a never before seen pace, everything is in flux – from workforce dynamics to evolving autonomous technologies, supply chain upheavals, new industry competitors, consumer preferences, and more. The time is now to embrace innovative solutions, fresh ideas and best in class strategies to improve your organization’s overall business performance and it’s all happening at Best Practices for Automotive.

The Future of the Future

Future-Proof Your Business: Digital Solutions Now 

September 19, 2017 

The buzz: “Pesky thing, tomorrow. Day after day, it shows up and brings technological innovation that alters the best-laid plans of every business owner. Managing for the future isn't easy” (Jonathan Blum, Smart business leaders know that tomorrow’s competitive edge requires rapid innovation across their organization today. How? By developing capabilities that leverage and combine innovative technologies: machine learning, IoT, AI, blockchain, analytics, big data. Ready for use cases? The experts speak. Featuring Darwin Deano, Deloitte Consulting LLP. 

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