

Reviews and investigations

We help our clients identify and mitigate the risks of fraud, illegal activities, and unethical behavior. Our team conducts financial investigations and implements compliance procedures appropriate to each company's risk exposure, regardless of industry or jurisdiction.


Analytics and e-Discovery

Reliable data is key to your business. Managed well, it will drive revenue, reduce costs and mitigate risk. If managed poorly, you could lose customers, lose control of costs and expose your business to unquantifiable levels of risk.

An entire business dispute, commercial investigation or litigation may hinge on identifying when a single piece of data was communicated, generated, altered or deleted, by and to whom, and under what circumstances.

Dispute Services

Disputes can be complex and often involve substantial damages that need to be accurately quantified. You can rely on us in litigation and dispute environments, where an accurate and detailed estimate of potential losses is essential

Ethics and compliance

A strong ethics and compliance model should form part of any approach to enterprise risk management. Organizations must develop and strengthen compliance functions and methodologies due to the expanding scope and complexity of compliance activity and increased attention from senior leadership, regulators and the authorities.

Third party due diligence

Our team has extensive experience of helping clients to identify and mitigate the potential bribery and corruption risks presented by third parties – as well as other reputational issues – through the gathering of independent information

Pharmaceutical companies

Key services: Compliance review, compiance function maturity, compliance program development, investigating financial fraud, due diligence

Forensic services for banks

Key services: Due diligence, investigating financial fraud, investigation of use of credit funds received by the Target 

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