
Work force streamlining options  

Step plan

Staff redundancies

The coronavirus pandemic and oil market situation have resulted in a difficult economic business situation not only in Kazakhstan, but across the entire world.

Under these conditions, many employers have been forced to move their people to shorter working days or remote working conditions, or make redundancies. In this respect, it is important that all procedures follow current Kazakhstan employment law to avoid any risks in the future.

Deloitte has prepared a step plan for employers with options to streamline the work force during the crisis period. We will be pleased to provide you with more detailed advice on any issues that arise after reading this step plan.

Transfer to another job

The following are recognised as employee transfer to another job:

1) a change in the employee’s job (function), i.e. a different position, speciality, profession or qualification;

2) an instruction to perform a different job where working conditions change (salary, working patterns and rest time, benefits and other conditions) according to an employment agreement;

3) a transfer to a separate structural division of the employer;

4) a transfer to a different location with the employer.

Change in working conditions

Employee working conditions can be changed following changes to production after the reorganisation or a change to economic or technological conditions, work management conditions or reductions in employer workloads, as long as the employee continues to work in accordance with his/her speciality or in a profession that meets his/her qualifications.

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