The Green Frog Award


The Green Frog Award

Deloitte Central European Sustainability Report Award 2016

About the Green Frog Award

Deloitte Central European Sustainability Report Award—the Green Frog Award—is an award for best sustainability reports. The contest aims to identify and reward excellence in corporate non-financial reporting in Central Europe.

The Green Frog Award (GFA) was launched in 2000 in Hungary and step by step embraced by other CE countries (Balkans joined in 2009, Czech Republic in 2012, and Baltics in 2013). From 2015, the GFA consists of a national and regional level. Reports rewarded at the national level will be automatically nominated to the Central European level.

The Green Frog Award consists of two levels:
  • National level GFA. Companies can showcase sustainability practices at the national level by submitting their non-financial reports, which are evaluated and rewarded by a national jury. Companies with best reports will compete for 1 main national Green Frog Award and a few others in separate categories. Winners will receive a national Green Frog label for excellence in non-financial reporting. 
  • Regional level GFA. Companies can showcase sustainability practices at the Central European level. Companies awarded at the national level are automatically nominated to the CE level. They are evaluated and rewarded by a regional jury. Companies with best reports will compete for 1 main regional Green Frog Award and a few others in separate categories. Winners will receive a CE Green Frog label for excellence in non-financial reporting.


Reports will be assessed according to these criteria:

  1. Sustainability performance & strategic commitments
  2. Materiality
  3. Content
  4. Structure and creativity in communication (getting the message across)
  5. Impact measurement
  6. Financial and non-financial data integration

For more information please visit the official webpage

Winners of the Green Frog Award 2015

The winner of the Green Frog Award 2015:


The following companies received distinctions in the Green Frog Award 2015:
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