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Perspective: Next Generation EU: Pandemic Recovery Plan to build a greener, more innovative, stronger Europe

Next Generation EU: Pandemic Recovery Plan to build a greener, more innovative, stronger Europe

Historically, pandemics have forced us to break with our past and reimagine our society. COVID is no different.

We believe it will allow us to reimagine an entire continent. The Next Generation EU fund ambition is to support the European recovery strategy beyond individual countries and companies to become a genuine force for lasting Europe-wide change.

We want to help to make this happen.

By drawing on our globally connected multi-disciplinary expertise and knowledge, we can help lay the foundations needed to move forward while supporting companies and Public Administrations in accessing European union funds and enabling their transformation through a strategic business recovery plan, thus creating the Europe of the future. One that is more resilient, sustainable, digital friendly and inclusive, that can withstand future threats, like climate change.

Working with businesses and institutions across several different areas, such as digital transformation, green transition and sustainability, education and workforce transformation, infrastructure and mobility, health transformation, EU grants, incentives, and EU business funding.

Welcome to our vision for Europe – one that is greener, smarter and stronger than ever before.

Next Generation EU at a glance

NGEU has one of the most extensive Next Generation EU fund stimulus packages ever financed for a greener, more digital, more resilient Europe supporting the Recovery plan for Europe.

The Multiannual Financial Framework (2021-2027) and the NGEU total €1.8 trillion (in 2018 prices), the most significant stimulus package ever financed by the EU. Within this, the Next Generation EU fund is a package of European Union funds, with an investment pot totalling €750 billion (in 2018 prices).

This unprecedented European recovery fund will support the post-pandemic economic and social revamp and trigger a greener transition that's more digital and better prepared for challenges now and in the future.

Read our latest report here.

More than 8 out of 10 EU citizens consider NGEU as strategically necessary for supporting the revamp of their country and the EU.

Next Generation EU funding and the future of Europe: A unique opportunity for growth, Deloitte, November 2021

All data reported in the figure are in 2018 prices. Source: European Commission

The Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), established through EU regulation 2021/241, is the centrepiece of the NGEU. The €672.5 billion (in 2018 prices) in loans and grants will support the recovery plan for Europe through post-pandemic reforms and investments across the EU while enabling a digital and environmental transition in a cohesive society throughout Europe. To access the RRF funds, Member States must submit their Recovery and Resilience Plan to the European Commission, which will check the alignment with EU priorities and the country’s specific recommendations. The Member States must allocate a minimum of 37% to climate investments and reforms and a minimum of 20% to digital transition.

Three Pillars for Europe’s future

The Next Generation EU stimulus package will help enable collaboration and joint commitment within the member states by providing the necessary EU business funding. This will revitaliwe their economies and lay the foundations for a more digital-friendly, greener, and inclusive Europe that will help them face future challenges with a greater sense of unity.

How we can help

We can help business communities and institutions uncover and take advantage of NGEU opportunities.

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